x,y,z 是三个正整数,已知 3x=4y=7z, 那么 x+y+z的最小值是多少 ?

好大学x,y,z 是三个正整数,已知 3x=4y=7z, 那么 x+y+z的最小值是多少 ?答案及解析。


如果 y+|y|=0, 那么下面哪一个选项是正确的 ?

好大学如果 y+|y|=0, 那么下面哪一个选项是正确的 ?答案及解析。


已知前 100个正整数的和为 5050,那么前 200个正整数的和是多少 ?

好大学已知前 100个正整数的和为 5050,那么前 200个正整数的和是多少 ?答案及解析。


Increasing _______________ (compete) in the technology industries in Asia will force companies to recruit more qualified candidates。

好大学Increasing _______________ (compete) in the technology industries in Asia will force companies to recruit more qualified candidates。答案及解析。


Despite having received positive reviews by industry critics, sales of the digital MP3 playerhave been quite _______(disappoint).

好大学Despite having received positive reviews by industry critics, sales of the digital MP3 playerhave been quite _______(disappoint).答案及解析。


Excel Energy Corporation's new online training program has _______ (interact) features and forum discussions for trainees.

好大学Excel Energy Corporation's new online training program has _______ (interact) features and forum discussions for trainees.答案及解析。


The only ______(effect) way to develop international skills and perspectives is through direct international experience

好大学The only ______(effect) way to develop international skills and perspectives is through direct international experience答案及解析。


The secret of being a good international manger is being comfortable withmanaging ____(diverse)

好大学The secret of being a good international manger is being comfortable withmanaging ____(diverse)答案及解析。
