选择题:2 Chen Products produces four manufactured products: Products 1, 2, 3 and 4. The company’s risk committee recently

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  • 题目类型:选择题
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2 Chen Products produces four manufactured products: Products 1, 2, 3 and 4. The company’s risk committee recently

met to discuss how the company might respond to a number of problems that have arisen with Product 2. After a

number of incidents in which Product 2 had failed whilst being used by customers, Chen Products had been presented

with compensation claims from customers injured and inconvenienced by the product failure. It was decided that the

risk committee should meet to discuss the options.

When the discussion of Product 2 began, committee chairman Anne Ricardo reminded her colleagues that, apart from

the compensation claims, Product 2 was a highly profitable product.

Chen’s risk management committee comprised four non-executive directors who each had different backgrounds and

areas of expertise. None of them had direct experience of Chen’s industry or products. It was noted that it was

common for them to disagree among themselves as to how risks should be managed and that in some situations,

each member proposed a quite different strategy to manage a given risk. This was the case when they discussed

which risk management strategy to adopt with regard to Product 2.


(a) Describe the typical roles of a risk management committee. (6 marks)


(b) Using the TARA framework, construct four possible strategies for managing the risk presented by Product 2.

(b) Using the TARA framework, construct four possible strategies for managing the risk pre


有一艘装载皮革与烟叶的船舶,遭遇海难,大量海水浸入船舱,皮革腐烂。海水虽未 直接接触包装烟叶的捆包,但由于腐烂皮革的恶臭,使烟叶完全变质。当时被保险人以海 难为近因要求保险人全部赔付,但保险人却以烟叶包装没有水渍的痕迹为由而拒赔。最后 交由法院判决。根据以上资料,回答下列问题。你认为本案烟叶全损最直接、最有效、起决定作用的原因是( )。 A.烟叶包装不良 B.皮革腐烂C.皮革与烟叶同船 D.海难

有一艘装载皮革与烟叶的船舶,遭遇海难,大量海水浸入船舱,皮革腐烂。海水虽未 直接接触包装烟叶的捆包,但由于腐烂皮革的恶臭,使烟叶完全变质。当时被保险人以海 难为近因要求保险人全部赔付,但保险人却以烟叶包装没有水渍的痕迹为由而拒赔。最后 交由法院判决。 根据以上资料,回答下列问题。 你认为本案烟叶全损最直接、最有效、起决定作用的原因是( )。 A.烟叶包装不良 B.皮革腐烂 C.皮革与烟叶同船 D.海难



下列契约式战略联盟形式中,多见于高新技术企业,为避免恶性竞争和资源浪费所适用的()。A.技术开发与研究联盟 B.产业协调联盟 C.产品联盟 D.营销联盟


特种风险的赔偿限额的确定不需要考虑的因素是( )。A.工程本身的抗灾能力 B.以往灾害记录C.工地自然地理条件 D.国家政策

特种风险的赔偿限额的确定不需要考虑的因素是( )。 A.工程本身的抗灾能力 B.以往灾害记录 C.工地自然地理条件 D.国家政策



下列薪酬内容中,与员工的工作绩效无关,具有促使员工忠诚于企业作用的是()。A:福利 B:奖金 C:补偿薪酬 D:激励薪酬
