单选题:回答题Text 1Andy lived high in the Rocky Mountains.He hunted(打猎

Text 1
Andy lived high in the Rocky Mountains.He hunted(打猎) wild animals there.He also took other men hunting.That was his work.
One day a letter brought Andy a new job.This job changed both his feeling about animals and his way of hunting.The letter said: "I want to write a story about bighorn sheep.I need pictures to go with my story.Will you get pictures of the sheep for me?"
Andy' s two sons wanted their father to take the job."We will help you !" they said.Bighorn sheep are very wild.Andy knew it would be hard to get pictures."But why not try?" they said.
For days, Andy and his sons tried to get pictures.They did not want the sheep to hear them or see them, so they walked softly.They hid behind rocks, but the sheep always ran away.
Then one day, Andy and his sons walked around a big rock.They met some sheep face to face.But the sheep didn' t run ! "Now I know why the sheep run away," Andy said."They run because we come up behind them.From now on,~ we will stay where they can see us."
The next day, Andy saw some sheep fight out in the open.He and his sons walked toward them.The men did not try to hide, but they did walk slowly.They knew that any fast move will frighten them away.
"Don' t look fight at the sheep," Andy said."Wild animals do not like to be looked at.They will run away." The men looked off to this side and to that side, but they walked closer and closer.And soon they were close enough to get good clear pictures.
They made good friends with the wild sheep and sent many fine pictures to the writer for his story.Since then, they have never hunted the bighorn sheep again.
What was the new job Andy got? A.to hunt bighorn sheep.
B.to write a story of bighorn sheep.
C.to protect bighorn sheep.
D.to take pictures of bighorn sheep.

对于不敢表达自己真实感情和想法的学生,有效的行为改变方法是(  )。

对于不敢表达自己真实感情和想法的学生,有效的行为改变方法是(  )。 A.肯定性训练 B.全身松弛训练 C.系统脱敏法 D.理性—情绪疗法





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一个较长的学习内容,首尾部分记忆效果好,中间部分遗忘较多,这是受下列哪种因素的干扰?(  ) A.消退抑制和干扰抑制 B.倒摄抑制和干扰抑制 C.前摄抑制和消退


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