选择题:Questions 64-66 refer to the following article.NEW YORK, November 19-New Yo...


Questions 64-66 refer to the following article. NEW YORK, November 19-New York's Women in Business Association announced that Anita Huntington, vice president of marketing for Kuiper Hotels, and Mary Foster, general manager of Longwood Hotels & Resorts, were recently selected as this year's Venture Award recipients. The Venture Award was established twenty years ago to recognize the contributions made by female executives to their communities. This year’s cowinner’s are the founders of Art on the Move, a charitable organization that provides art scholarships for students throughout the city. Since joining Kuiper Hotels, Huntington has held key positions in finance and business development. Currently, she leads Kuiper’s marketing operations, often traveling to one of the more than 270 hotels in 16 countries. Foster’s position has also taken her all over the world. Both executives stressed that finding time for volunteer work was extremely important even though they often work long hours at their jobs. Huntington and Foster will be honored on November 26 at a special reception at Humphrey Hall. According to the article, how can people become candidates for the Venture Award?

A. By becoming leaders in the hotel industry. B. By starting their own business. C. By working to make their communities. D. By working in New York for at least twenty years.


The teachers’ association has announced that the food and drinks _____ suppli...

The teachers’ association has announced that the food and drinks _____ suppli...


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搞好目标管理必须遵循的原则是( )。A.目标制定必须科学合理 B.成本控制必须严肃认真 C.考核评估必须执行到位 D.督促检查必须贯串始终


货币市场包括( )。A.债券市场 B.商业票据市场 C.银行承兑汇票市场 D.大面额可转让存单市场

货币市场包括( )。A.债券市场 B.商业票据市场 C.银行承兑汇票市场 D.大面额可转让存单市场


美国心理学家约翰·斯塔希·亚当斯(John Stacey Adams)认为员工的激励程度来源于对自己和参照对象的报酬和投入的比例的主观比较感觉,该理论称为...

美国心理学家约翰·斯塔希·亚当斯(John Stacey Adams)认为员工的激励程度来源于对自己和参照对象的报酬和投入的比例的主观比较感觉,该理论称为...


下列选项中,汽车产量同比增速最低的是( )。A.2010 年4 月 B.2010 年5 月 C.2011 年4 月 D.2011 年5 月

下列选项中,汽车产量同比增速最低的是( )。A.2010 年4 月 B.2010 年5 月 C.2011 年4 月 D.2011 年5 月
