(2014·江苏两校联考)According to the agreement,you________be..

(2014·江苏两校联考)According to the agreement,you________be fined if you fail to meet the goal.A.will B.mustC.mightD.shall


The field research will take Jone and Paul about five months..

The field research will take Jone and Paul about five months; it will be a long time ____ we meet them again.A. after B. before C. since D. when


This year is very special,_____ Chinese New Year's Day fall..

This year is very special,_____ Chinese New Year's Day falls on Valentine's Day.A. onceB. while C. if D. for


The terrible accident __________ his careless driving. [ ]A..

The terrible accident __________ his careless driving. [ ]A.due to B.result inC.was due to D.result from


The reason why he failed is _____ he was too careless. [ ]A..

The reason why he failed is _____ he was too careless.A. becauseB. that C. for D. because of
