This year is very special,_____ Chinese New Year's Day fall..

This year is very special,_____ Chinese New Year's Day falls on Valentine's Day.A. onceB. while C. if D. for


The terrible accident __________ his careless driving. [ ]A..

The terrible accident __________ his careless driving. [ ]A.due to B.result inC.was due to D.result from


The reason why he failed is _____ he was too careless. [ ]A..

The reason why he failed is _____ he was too careless.A. becauseB. that C. for D. because of


The US president Obama said his country will sign a peace tr..

The US president Obama said his country will sign a peace treaty with the DPRK (朝鲜) _____ the latter gets rid of all its nuclear facilities.A. while B. even if C. so that D. provided


_____ many millionaires recognize they are doing better than..

_____ many millionaires recognize they are doing better than average investors, some factors haveforcedthem to reassess what the term "wealthy" means to them.A. Because B. While C. As D. Since
