The terrible accident __________ his careless driving. [ ]A..

The terrible accident __________ his careless driving. [ ]A.due to B.result inC.was due to D.result from


The reason why he failed is _____ he was too careless. [ ]A..

The reason why he failed is _____ he was too careless.A. becauseB. that C. for D. because of


The US president Obama said his country will sign a peace tr..

The US president Obama said his country will sign a peace treaty with the DPRK (朝鲜) _____ the latter gets rid of all its nuclear facilities.A. while B. even if C. so that D. provided


_____ many millionaires recognize they are doing better than..

_____ many millionaires recognize they are doing better than average investors, some factors haveforcedthem to reassess what the term "wealthy" means to them.A. Because B. While C. As D. Since


—Why,I didn’t get you on the phone.—We ________football o..

—Why,I didn’t get you on the phone.—We ________football on the playground when you phoned.A.must be playingB.must playC.must have playedD.must have been playing
