单选题:Questions refer to the following passage.Rising wages -- tog

Questions refer to the following passage.
Rising wages -- together with currency fluctuations and high fuel costs -- are eating away the once-formidable"China price" advantage, prompting thousands of factory owners to flee the Pearl River Delta. Much has been written about the more than doubling of wages at the Shenzhen factory of Foxconn, the world's largest electronics contract manufacturer, which produces Apple iPhones and iPads and employs 920,000 people in China alone. "One can talk about a world pre-and post-Foxconn," says Victor Fung, chairman of Li & Fung, the world's biggest sourcing company and a supplier of Wal-Mart. "Foxconn is as important as that."
Foxconn's wage increases are only the most dramatic. Our analysis suggests that, since February, minimum wages have climbed more than 20 percent in 20 Chinese regions and up to 30percent in some, including Sichuan. At a Guangdong Province factory supplying Honda, wages have risen an astonishing 47 percent. All this is bad news for companies operating in the world's manufacturing hub, and chief executives should assume that double-digit annual rises -- if not on the scale witnessed this year -- are here to stay.
Looked at another way, however, wage inflation provides companies with a once-in-a-generation opportunity to rethink radically the way they approach global production -- and they should do so sooner rather than later.
Why the urgency? After all, wage hikes in China are nothing new. Since 1990, they have risen by an average of 13 percent a year in U.S. dollar terms and 19 percent annually in the past five years.
There are two big reasons and the situation is different now. The first has to do with productivity. Over the past 20 years, productivity increases have broadly matched wage increase,negating their impact. The pay rises came from a very low base, so while average wages grew 19 percent a year from 2005 to 2010, this amounted to only ~260 a month per employee, a sum that could be offset by more efficient production or switching to cheaper sources zf parts and materials.
If labor costs continue, however, to increase at 19 percent a year for another five years,monthly wages would grew ~623 per month, according to BCG estimates. Such an increase would ripple through the economy in the form of higher prices for components, business services, cargo-handling and office staff.
The second reason relates to societal change. Until now, it has been easy to lure a seemingly unlimited number of young, low-wage workers to the richer coastal regions and house them cheaply in dormitories until they saved enough to return home to their families in the interior provinces. In the future, though, young workers will be harder to recruit. This is partly because there will be few-er of them: Largely because of the country's one-child policy, the number of Chinese aged 15 to 29 will start declining in 2011. Moreover, with living standards rising across China, fewer of today's rural youth will want to go to coastal regions to toil for 60 hours a week on an assembly line and live in a cramped dormitory.
So what can CEOs do in this fast-changing environment? An instinctive reaction is to search for cheaper labor elsewhere. But this is short-sighted and would provide -- at best -- a short-term fix. Another option is to stay in China and try to squeeze out greater productivity gains.
According to paragraph 1 and 2, we can summarize that(  ). A.China will always boast a very impressive price advantage around the globe
B.Foxconn's rising wage is just a one-sided case
C.Souring wages has improved a widespread impact on foreign companies
D.Foxconn is a manufacturer of great significance to China


下列硬件中,具有记忆功能的是(  )

下列硬件中,具有记忆功能的是(  ) A.CPU B.运算器 C.存储器 D.控制器


微型计算机的内存储器比外存储器(  )。

微型计算机的内存储器比外存储器(  )。 A.存储容量大 B.存储可靠性高 C.读写速度快 D.价格便宜


下列各项中,不属于工资管理模块设置基础信息的是(  )

下列各项中,不属于工资管理模块设置基础信息的是(  ) A.设置工资类别所对应的部门 B.设置所得税 C.设置应收款核销 D.设置工资费用分摊


狭义地说,会计电算化指的是(  )

狭义地说,会计电算化指的是(  ) A.会计电算化人才的培养 B.会计软件的开发 C.电子信息技术在会计工作中的应用 D.会计电算化制度的建设


数据复制后,原单元格中的数据不复存在,只在目标单元格中保留原单格中的数据。(  )

数据复制后,原单元格中的数据不复存在,只在目标单元格中保留原单格中的数据。(  )
