选择题:Tom is a biologist(生物学家). when he started working

Tom is a biologist(生物学家). when he started working in a chemical factory, he thought he was protecting his children. he wanted to offer the best things in their life, such as a big house, a boat and wonderful vocation. I think he must love his family very much, and did a lot for it. even in the most difficult time, he never give up his family and children. this kind of person is no doubt admired by others. he loved chemistry(化学) and lost a lot of things because of it. but he never gives up, and always work hard . It gives me a deep impressing that when he knew the four little leopard (豹)were dead of environment pollution, he believed that chemistry can bring benefit to the humans

“只见树木,不见森林”、“一叶障目、不见泰山”,这是一种( D ) A.不可知论的观点

“只见树木,不见森林”、“一叶障目、不见泰山”,这是一种( D ) A.不可知论的观点 B.相对主义的观点 C.庸俗唯物注意到的观点 D.形


39.人力资源管理的一个基本假设就是,企业有义务最大限度地利用员工的 ,并要为每一位员工都提供一个不

39.人力资源管理的一个基本假设就是,企业有义务最大限度地利用员工的 ,并要为每一位员工都提供一个不断成长以及挖掘个人最大潜力和建立成功职业的机会。( )(本题


5.间接薪酬指的是( )。(本题2.0分)A. 基本工资B. 绩效工资C. 福利D. 激励工资

5.间接薪酬指的是( )。(本题2.0分)A. 基本工资B. 绩效工资C. 福利D. 激励工资
