单选题:Text 5The influence of climate on behavior appears all-perva

Text 5
The influence of climate on behavior appears all-pervasive. Indeed, who can claim thatweather factors have no influence on their decision-making? Everyone can point to instances whereplans and activities have been changed because of weather conditions.People's moods alsochange with the weather: bright sunny days seem to lift spirits, while dark rainy periods bring ondepression.
Law enforcement agencies are beginning to show interest in the effect of atmosphericconditions on behavior. Every year, the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports provide breakdowns of thecrime rates by month and season of the year. Both monthly and seasonal variations are consideredto reflect the varying influence of temperature, precipitation, humidity, length of daylight, and anumber of other climatological factors.
Various studies find relationships between specific climatological conditions and crime. Risingtemperature is generally accompanied by increases in aggression and violent crime. On the otherhand, high humidity appears to reduce the incidence of physical activity and aggression. Rain,cloud cover, and other forms of inclement weather are associated with lower levels of propertycrimes and increased depression.
Our study showed that low humidity has the most widespread influence on all types of crimestudied. The analysis also shows that as humidity increases the level of crime decreases.Temperature also has a great effect. Increasing temperature fails to influence the number ofnighttime burglaries/larcenies, but it does increase the other crime categories. Burglaries/larcenies
(day and night) and daytime assaults also tend to increase along with cloud cover. Except for windspeed and barometric pressure with regard to daytime assaults, the remaining weather factors havevirtually no influence on the levels of crime.
Individuals who respond with criminal behavior to weather changes or weather extremes may be controllable by administering drugs that offset these influences. Electrical stimulation of pleasure centers in the brain may someday be a feasible countermeasure to aggressive stimuli due to increased temperature or other weather variables.
Changing or manipulating the weather is one possible means of attacking a weather-crimeinteraction. This approach may not be feasible due to the many,relationships between weatherclimate and the rotation of the earth. Minor changes may be possible such as regulation of rainfallof sky cover. On the other hand, temperature control may be impossible.
More research is needed to assess and clarify the relationship between crime and the variousclimatological factors. Once this is accomplished, it will be necessary to devise more accuratemeans of forecasting the weather, counteracting the effects of weather on human behavior, andcontrolling the environment, or identifying other approaches to the problem.
All the following statements are true except that__________. A.nighttime stealing increases along with increasing temperature
B.nobody is free from the influence of weather factors
C.crime rates are related to temperature, moisture, etc
D.people are thinking the possible ways to handle individual reactions to climatologicalchanges


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