单选题:回答题。Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model high school students

Rowena and Billy Wrangler are model high school students.They study hard and do extremelywell on achievement tests.And next year, Rowena will be attending Harvard University.Billy, heryounger brother, hopes to go to Comell.What makes Rowena and Billy different from most studentsis that they don't go to school.In fact, they've never been to school.Since kindergarten, they've studied at home.Neither Rowena nor Billy feels as if they've missed out on anything by being taughtat home.Like many of more than one million people who receive home schooling in the UnitedStates, they feel as if they've gotten a good education.
The home-schooling trend began in the U.S.in the 1980s with parents keeping their childrenout of public schools so they could provide religious education at home.Today, as the home-school-ing trend continues to grow, parents are more likely to consider home schooling as an option becausethey believe schools don't do a very good job of teaching and are occasionally dangerous places.Butcan parents really do a better job?
The answer in many cases is yes.In many studies, students taught at home ranked average or a-bove average when compared to students who went to public schools.More importantly, thesestudents were often more self-directed and have a greater depth of knowledge."They are very wellprepared for academic challenges," says Patricia Riordan, the dean of admissions at George MasonUniversity.
One such student, Robert Conrad, now a sophomore at university, claims he really learnedhowto study and schedule his time during his eight years of home schooling.Still, not every student is assuccessful as Robert.
"For every home-schooling success story, there are an equal number of failures," states HenryLipscomb, an educational researcher."There are just so many disadvantages that students taught athome have to overcome." For example, they have fewer chances to interact with others of their ownage.Consequently, they sometimes lack the usual social skills."No matter what, though," statesLipscomb, "home-schooling is a growing trend.I think we'll be seeiring more and more of this."
Compared with other students, the most different thing Rowena and Billy do is that__________. A.they study hard
B.they do extremely well on achievement tests
C.they never go to school
D.they feel they have gotten a good education


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