单选题:Text 2The issue of online privacy in the Interact age found

Text 2
The issue of online privacy in the Interact age found new urgency following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, sparking
debate over striking the correct balance between protecting civil liberties and attempting to prevent another tragic terroristact. While preventing terrorism certainly is of paramount importance, privacy rights should not be deemed irrelevant.
In response to the attacks, Congress quickly passed legislation that included provisions expanding rights of investi-gators to intercept wire, oral and electronic communications of alleged hackers and terrorists. Civil liberties groups ex-pressed concerns over the provisions and urged caution in ensuring that efforts to protect our nation do not result inbroad government authority to erode privacy rights of U. S. citizens. Nevertheless, causing further concern to civilliberties groups, the Department of Justice proposed exceptions to the attorney-client privilege. On Oct. 30, AttorneyGeneral Jol, m Ashcroft approved an interim agency rule that would permit federal prison authorities to monitor wire andelectronic communications between lawyers and their clients in federal custody, including those who have been de-tained but not charged with any crime, whenever surveillance is deemed necessary to prevent violence or terrorism.
In light of this broadening effort to reach into communications that were previously believed to be "off-limits",the issue of online privacy is now an even more pressing concern. Congress has taken some legislative steps toward en-suring online privacy, including the Children' s Online Privacy Protection Act, and provided privacy protections forcertain sectors through legislation such as the Financial Services Modernization Act. The legislation passed to date doesnot, however, provide a statutory scheme for protecting general online consumer privacy. Lacking definitive federallaw, some states passed their own measures. But much of this legislation is incomplete or not enforced. Moreover, itbecomes unworkable when states create different privacy standards; the Internet does not know geographic boundaries,and companies and individuals cannot be expected to comply with differing, and at times conflicting, privacy rules.
An analysis earlier this year of 751 U. S. and international Web sites conducted by Consumers Internationalfound that most sites collect personal information but fail to tell consumers how that data will be used, how securityis maintained and what rights consumers have over their own information.
At a minimum, Congress should pass legislation requiring Web sites to display privacy policies prominently, in-form consumers of the methods employed to collect client data, allow customers to opt out of such data collection,and provide customer access to their own data that has already been collected. Although various Internet privacy billswere introduced in the 107th Congress, the focus shifted to expanding government surveillance in the wake of the ter-rorist attacks. Plainly, government efforts to prevent terrorism are appropriate. Exactly how these exigent circum-stances change the nature of the online privacy debate is still to be seen.
Concerning the protection of privacy and increased surveillance of communication, the author seems to insist on__________. A.the priority of the former action
B.the execution of the latter at the expense of the former
C.tightening both policies at the same time
D.a balance between the two actions


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