单选,材料题:What can we conclude from this passage?回答下面的题目Two hundred years ago, A

  • 题目分类:学历考试
  • 题目类型:单选,材料题
  • 查看权限:VIP
What can we conclude from this passage?回答下面的题目Two hundred years ago, American studentswent to American schools. Like you, theystudied arithmetic, spelling and geography. Unlike you, they also studied Greekand Latin. In fact, students spent more than half their time studying Greek andLatin.The same was true for most students in EuropE. Until the seventhcentury, all educated Europeans knew Latin.It did not matter if they lived in England or Italy or France orSpain. If they were educated, they knewLatin.During the seventh century, educated Europeans began to study Greek aswell as Latin. Greek and Latin had been the leading languages of the ancientGreeks and Romans. All educated Europeans were expected to know theselanguages.To educated Europeans, the languages of the Greeks and the Romans wereimportant. The ideas of the Greeks and Romans were also important. People knewthat many of their own ideas had come from the Greeks and the Romans. Tounderstand their own culture, they must understand its origin. They knewthat those beginnings lay in the classical worlD.Today we have so many things to study that few people have time to learnGreek and Latin. Few of you will study either language in school. Yet the ideasof the Greeks and the Romans are still important to us. These ideas still helpto shape Western culture today. To understand our own culture, we must understandthe culture of the classical worlD.A good synonym for "origin"is________
A.Greeks and Romans significantlyinfluenced European culturE.
B.The Greeks were the founders ofdemocracy.
C.The Greeks and Romans were bitterenemies.
D.People of the classical world werebarbaric and uneducateD.

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教师通过口头语言系统连贯地向学生传授知识的方法是(  )。单项选择题 A、讲授法B、谈话法C、讨论法D、演示法





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设A和B为两事项件,0<P(A)<1,则下述结论中错误的是(  )A.B.C.D.


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教师职业劳动的特点有(  )。多项选择题 A、劳动任务的二重性B、劳动过程的艺术创造性C、劳动的社会地位的差异性D、劳动实质是爱心奉献E、劳动作用的特殊性
