单选题:Questions refer to the following passage.Dear Tammy,How are

Questions refer to the following passage.
Dear Tammy,
How are things with you? I've now established Karen Jones & Associates(KJA), an independent consulting practice that leverages my proven strengths in strategic planning, people development, creating and improving processes, and brand marketing. I work extensively with consumer product companies and also now with industries that are regrouping due to a merger or major change in their competitive situation. I help them manage the pressure to achieve more in their marketplace by realizing more out of the people and resources they have. What they say is of unique value to them is my expertise at creating new links between marketing, culture, and talent.
This makes a company more efficient and successful.
I'm really excited about how I can help companies address their business problems with what I do. I would love to get your input. I'm interested in your thoughts as to who in your circle could benefit from learning about what I do. You don't need to find out if they are hiring or have a definite need. I'm just interested in having a conversation with them to learn more about their marketing challenges and HR concerns and to share with them some innovative ways I've helped other companies achieve the most in those areas.
If this sounds interesting, l'd appreciate your linking me to people you know. I will call you in a few days for a quick catch-up conversation. In the meantime, I've attached an information sheet about KJA and its practice areas. Please freely forward it now and any time to business contacts you think could be interested in knowing about this. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you.
Karen Jones
What has Ms. Jones done lately? A.She began her own business
B.She was promoted to HR manager
C.She merged her company with another
D.She developed a new product


企业各职能工作分工的精细程度,具体表现为其部门(科室)和职务(岗位)数量的多少,这称为(  )。

企业各职能工作分工的精细程度,具体表现为其部门(科室)和职务(岗位)数量的多少,这称为(  )。A.规范化程度 B.专业化程度 C.集权化程度 D.分工化程度


下列关于利率和汇率的说法,不正确的是(  )。

下列关于利率和汇率的说法,不正确的是(  )。A.不随借贷资金的供求状况而波动的利率叫固定利率,参照某一利率指标变化而定期调整的利率叫浮动利率 B.不随各国货币


下列关于国债的说法中错误的是(  )。

下列关于国债的说法中错误的是(  )。A.国债是中央政府发行的债券 B.国债是风险最低的债券 C.国债利率一般高于相同期限的其他债券 D.国债可以作为中央银行公





依次填人下列句子括号内的词语,与句意最贴切的一组是(  )。妈妈无言的(  )让我在紧张的学习、生活中始终不敢有一丝( 

依次填人下列句子括号内的词语,与句意最贴切的一组是(  )。妈妈无言的(  )让我在紧张的学习、生活中始终不敢有一丝(  ),只有那份对未来的憧憬和执着。A.重
