
The fact that blind people can see things using other parts of their bodies apart from their eyes may help us to understand our feelings about color._________(46)
_________(47)These discoveries have grown into a whole discipline of color psychology that now finds application in everything from fashion to interior decoration. Some of our preferences are clearly psychological.________(48)For primitive man,activity during the day meant hunting and attacking,which he soon saw as red,the color of blood and rage and the heat that came with passive defense and self-preservation.
_________(49)People exposed to bright red show an increase in respiration rate,heartbeat, and blood pressure;red is exciting._________(50)Because of its exciting connotations,red was chosen as the signal for danger,but closer analysis shows that a vivid yellow can produce a more basic state of alertness and alarm,so fire engines and ambulances in some advanced communities are now rushing around in bright yellow colors that stop the traffic dead.
A:Dark blue is the color of the night sky and therefore associated with passivity and calm, while yellow is a day color with associations of energy and incentive.
B:Similar exposure to pure blue has exactly the opposite;it is a calming color.
C:Color psychology is concerned with the effects of color on mood,emotion,behavior.
D:Manufacturers have discovered by trial and error that sugar sells badly in green wrappings, that blue foods are considered unpalatable,and that cosmetics should never be packaged in brown.
E:If they can sense color differences then perhaps we,too,are affected by color unconsciously.
F:Experiments have shown that colors partly because of their physiological associations,also have a direct psychological effect.

喷锚暗挖隧道施工应充分利用围岩自承作用,开挖后及时施工初期支护结构并适时( )。

喷锚暗挖隧道施工应充分利用围岩自承作用,开挖后及时施工初期支护结构并适时( )。 A、注浆 B、闭合 C、超前支护 D、施工二衬



共用题干 Nurse!I Want My MummyWhen a child is ill in hospital,a parent's first reaction is to be________(51)them.Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep________(52)with their child,providing a bed or sofa on the ward.But until the 1970s this _________ (53)





A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.

A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.A:practically B:considerably C:remarkably D:fairly


一级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行( )%的气密性检验,二级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行不少于( )%的气密性检验。

一级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行( )%的气密性检验,二级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行不少于( )%的气密性检验。 A、100 20 B、80 60 C、80 20 D、100 60
