
Nurse!I Want My Mummy

When a child is ill in hospital,a parent's first reaction is to be________(51)them.
Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep________(52)with their child,providing a bed or sofa on the
But until the 1970s this _________ (53) was not only frowned upon(不被赞同)—it was actively
discouraged.Staff worried that the children would be______(54)when their parents left,and so there was
a blanket(通用的)ban.
A concerned nurse,Pamela Hawthorn,disagreed and her study"Nurse,I Want My Mummy!"published
in 1974,_________ (55 ) the face of paediatric(儿科的)nursing.
Martin Johnson,a professor of nursing at the University of Salford,said that the work of_________(56)
like Pamela had changed the face of patient care.
"Pamela's study was done against the__________(57)of a lively debate in paediatrics and psychology as
to the degree women should spend with children in the outside world and the degree to which they should be
allowed to visit children in__________(58)."
"The idea was that if mum came to__________(59)a small child in hospital the child would be upset
and inconsolable(无法安慰的)for hours."
"Yet the nurse noticed that if mum did not come at_________(60)the child stayed in a relatively stable
state but they might be depressed."
"Of course we know now that they had almost given up hope__________(61)mum was ever coming
"To avoid a little bit of pain they said that no one should visit."
"But children were alone and depressed,so Hawthorn said parents should be__________(62)to visit."
Dr. Peter Carter,chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing,said her
_________( 63 ) had been seminal(开创性的).
"Her research put an end to the__________(64)when parents handed their children over to strangers at
the door of the hospital ward."
"As a result of her work,parents are now recognized as partners in care and are offered the opportunity
to stay with their children while they are in hospital,__________(65)has dramatically improved both
parents'and children's experience of care."

A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.

A notably short man,he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.A:practically B:considerably C:remarkably D:fairly


一级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行( )%的气密性检验,二级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行不少于( )%的气密性检验。

一级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行( )%的气密性检验,二级管网的现场安装的接头密封应进行不少于( )%的气密性检验。 A、100 20 B、80 60 C、80 20 D、100 60


2014 年,人民银行再次对反洗钱监管方式进行重大变革,将监管重心由强调金融机构反洗钱工作“

2014 年,人民银行再次对反洗钱监管方式进行重大变革,将监管重心由强调金融机构反洗钱工作“



共用题干 Voice Your Opinion一Change is Needed in Youth SportsEverywhere you look, you see kids bouncing a basketball or waving a tennis racquet(网球拍).And these kids are getting younger and younger. In some countries,children can compete on basketball, baseball



某二级公路路基出现了网裂病害,下列关于其原因分析错误的是( )。 A、土的塑性指数偏高或为膨胀土 B、路基碾压时土含水量偏大,且成型后未能及时覆土 C、路基压实后养护不到位,表面失水过多 D、路基下层土过干
