单选题:Questions refer to the following passage.Downtown Artisan'

Questions refer to the following passage.
Downtown Artisan' Club Art Exhibit
Please mark Saturday, October 21, on your calendars so that you can attend the inaugural Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit!
There will be beautiful works of art and pottery, crafted by the Downtown Artisan's Club,available for showing as well as for sale. The remarkably talented young artists have worked all summer to prepare for this event, which promises to impress and astound. Visitors will have an op-portunity to meet these talented artists. All proceeds from this event will be contributed to the continued operations of the Downtown Artisan's Club, which provides amazing classes and support for young artists.
Tickets are on sale now and are available for $10(adults) and $5(students and seniors).
Children under the age of 12 will be admitted for free.
The Downtown Artisan's Club looks forward to seeing you there! Please contact Jim at (905) 412-8980 for more information.
Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit
Deadline for your art submission!
To all our talented young artists -- get ready for our upcoming Art Exhibit!As you all know-- our Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit is coming up exactly one month from today.
Paintings, drawings, sculptures and writing will be needed -- for both the show and the sale!
Don't forget to have them completed and handed in by next Friday to secure your spot in our show.
Remember, there will also be cash awards, judged by our panel of art critics, and the winning pieces will be featured in our Art Book. The artists of the winning pieces will also be invited to at-tend the 2-week summer art camp in Paris next summer.
Have fun and please submit your artwork on time!
For whom is the announcement intended? A.Artists


Why did Mr. Brown write the letter?

Why did Mr. Brown write the letter?A.To request an overdue payment B.To ask for


风险识别包括(  )两个环节。

风险识别包括(  )两个环节。A.感知风险和检测风险 B.计量风险和分析风险 C.感知风险和分析风险 D.计算风险和监控风险


在市场经济制度下,衡量货币是否均衡的标志是(  )。

在市场经济制度下,衡量货币是否均衡的标志是(  )。A.货币流通速度与物价指数 B.汇价变化率 C.货币流通速度变化率 D.物价变动率






如x线片显示右侧上颌骨骨折,骨折线横过鼻根、眶部,经颧额缝达翼板。正确的诊断是A.LE Fort I型骨折 B.LE Fort II型骨折 C.LE Fort
