选择题:A公司CIO在新财年工作启动会上,宣告:“2年内,公司IT架构要实现全面云化, 通过混合云方式,提供业务所需的多快好省的信息服务支持”。该宣告属于企业IT战略 的( )。

A公司CIO在新财年工作启动会上,宣告:“2年内,公司IT架构要实现全面云化, 通过混合云方式,提供业务所需的多快好省的信息服务支持”。该宣告属于企业IT战略 的( )。
A. 使命
B. 远景目标
C. 中长期目标
D. 策略路线

请根据以下内容回答 58~62 题

请根据以下内容回答 58~62 题 A.国家标准B.行业标准C.两者均是D.两者均不是 第 58 题 其标


At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? ( ) 。

At which stage of the service lifecycle should the processes necessary to operate a new service be defined? ( ) 。A.Service design: Design the processes B.Service strategy: Develop the offerings C.Service transition: Plan and prepare for deployment D.Se


在药品的标签或说明书上,应注明的内容是( )。

在药品的标签或说明书上,应注明的内容是( )。 A.批准文号B.广告审查批准文号C.不良


适用轻中度肾功不全者,由肝胆排泄 的是

适用轻中度肾功不全者,由肝胆排泄 的是 A.格列喹酮 B.格列本脲 C.甲苯磺丁脲 D.格列吡嗪控释片 E


()is a discipline within the information technology and information systems domain and is concerned with making the planning process for information technology investments and decision-making a quicker,more flexible,and more thoroughly aligned process.

()is a discipline within the information technology and information systems domain and is concerned with making the planning process for information technology investments and decision-making a quicker,more flexible,and more thoroughly aligned process.
