选择题:The development of the Semantic Web proceeds in steps,each step building a layer on top of another.The pragmatic justification for this approach is that it is easier to achieve(请作答此空)on small steps,whereas it is much harder to get everyone on board if too

The development of the Semantic Web proceeds in steps,each step building a layer on top of another.The pragmatic justification for this approach is that it is easier to achieve(请作答此空)on small steps,whereas it is much harder to get everyone on board if too much is attempted.Usually there are several research groups moving in different directions;this( )of ideas is a major driving force for scientific progress.However,from an engineering perspective there is a need to standardize.So,if most researchers agree on certain sues and disagree on others,it makes sense to fix the points of agreement.This way,even if he more ambitious research efforts should fail,there will be at least( )positive outcomes.Once a( )has been established,many more groups and companies will adopt it,instead of waiting to see which of the alternative research lines will be successful in the end he nature of the semantic web is such that companies and single users must build tools,add content,and use that content.We cannot wait until the full semantic web vision materializes-it may take another ten years for it to be realized to its full( )(as envisioned today,of course).

根据下列选项,回答 117~120 题:

根据下列选项,回答 117~120 题: A.贝特类B.胆酸螯合剂+贝特类C.他汀类D.弹性酶E.w3脂肪酸


水杨酸具有镇痛作用时的血药浓度为( )

水杨酸具有镇痛作用时的血药浓度为( ) A.50~100ug/mlB.200~300ug/mlC.350~400ug/mlD.


PPP中的安全认证协议是( ),它使用三次握手的会话过程传送密文。

PPP中的安全认证协议是( ),它使用三次握手的会话过程传送密文。A.MD5 B.PAP C.CHAP D.HASH


根据下列条件,回答 41~43 题:

根据下列条件,回答 41~43 题: A.酮康唑 B.培哚普利 C.利多卡因 D.法莫替丁 E.卡马西平 第


软件可靠性管理把软件可靠性活动贯穿于软件开发的全过程,成为软件工程管理的一部分。确定软件可靠性度量活动属于( )阶段。

软件可靠性管理把软件可靠性活动贯穿于软件开发的全过程,成为软件工程管理的一部分。确定软件可靠性度量活动属于( )阶段。A.需求分析 B.概要设计 C.详细设计 D.测试阶段
