选择题:In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with__1__declarative requirements it'

In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with__1__declarative requirements it's hard to describe steps and sequences of events.Use cases,stated simply,allow description of sequences of events that,taken together,lead to a system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requirements,it's often__2__to make sense of what the authors of the requirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example,use cases reduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and under what conditions certain behavior occurs;as such,the sequence of the behaviors can be regarded as a requirement.Use cases are particularly well suited to capturing these kind of requirements.Although this may sound simple,the fact is that__3__requirement capture approaches,with their emphasis on declarative requirements and"shall"statements,completely fail to capture the__4__of the system's behavior.Use cases are a simple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that all stakeholders can easily understand.But,like anything,use cases come with their own problems,and as useful as they are,they can be__5__.The result is something that is as bad,if not worse,than the original problem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively without creating a greater problem than the one you started with.

虚拟存储体系是由( )两种存储器构成。

虚拟存储体系是由( )两种存储器构成。A.主存,辅存 B.寄存器,Cache C.寄存器,主体 D.Cache,主存


药学服务的目标包括( )

药学服务的目标包括( ) A.提高药物治疗的安全性B.提高药物治疗的有效性C.提高药物


用药个体差异是指( )。

用药个体差异是指( )。 A.相同的药物给予相同剂量,其疗效因人而异的反应 B.相同的药



堆是一种数据结构,分为大顶堆和小顶堆两种类型。大(小)顶堆要求父元素大于等于(小于等于)其左右孩子元素。则____1__是一个大顶堆结构,该堆结构用二叉树表示,其高度(或层数)为___2___。 1、_____A.94,31,53,23,16,27 B.94,53,31,72,16,23 C.16,53,23,94,31,72 D.16,31,23,94,53,72


用药剂量极小(微克级)的平喘药,常滥用于饲养瘦肉猪的是 ( )。

用药剂量极小(微克级)的平喘药,常滥用于饲养瘦肉猪的是 ( )。
