选择题:Passage 5 When I decided to quit my full time employment it never occurred to me

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Passage 5 When I decided to quit my full time employment it never occurred to me that I might become a part of a new international trend. A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming “I wanted to spend more time with my family".

Curiously, some twoandahalf years and two novels later, my experiment in what the Americans term “downshifting" has turned my tired excuse into an absolute reality. I have been transformed from a passionate advocate of the philosophy of “have it all", preached by Linda Kelsey for the past seven years in the pages of She magazine, into a woman who is happy to settle for a bit of everything.

I have discovered, as perhaps Kelsey will after her muchpublicized resignation from the editorship of She after a buildup of stress, that abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life", and making the alternative move into “downshifting” brings with it far greater rewards than financial success and social status. Nothing could persuade me to return to the kind of life Kelsey used to advocate and I once enjoyed: 12-hour working days, pressured deadlines, the fearful strain of office politics and the limitations of being a parent on “quality time”.

In America, the move away from juggling to a simpler, less materialistic lifestyle. is a-well-established trend. Downshifting — also known in America as “voluntary simplicity” — has, ironically, even bred a new area of what might betermed anti-consumerism. There are a number of bestselling downshifting self help books for people who want to simplify their lives; there are newsletters, such as The Tightwad Gazette, that give hundreds of thousands of Americans usefultips on anything from recycling their clingfilm to making their own soap; there are even support groups for those who want to achieve the mid'90s equivalent of dropping out.

For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the '80s, downshifting in the mid'90s is not so much a search for the mythical good life — growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one — as a personal recognition of your limitations.

第67题:Which of the following is true according to paragraph 1?

A Fulltime employment is a new international trend.

B The writer was compelled by circumstances to leave her job.

C “A lateral move" means stepping out of fulltime employment.

D The writer was only too eager to spend more time with her family.


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基层群众自治制度是我国政治制度体系中的重要组成部分,其主要内容有( )A.农村村民委员会B.城市居民委员会C.企业职工代表大会D.妇女联合会



近一年多来有美国自带危机引发的金融危机迅速在全球蔓延,在危机面前,人们应该积极主动应对,化危为机。下列名言中符合意识能动性原理的是( )A.信心比黄金更重要B.我们唯一恐惧的就是恐惧本身C.问题与解决问



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车削螺纹时,产生螺距误差、影响误差大小的主要因素是( )(A)主轴回转精度(B)导轨误差(C)传动链误差(D)测量误差


在国民收入核算体系中,计入GDP的政府支出是指( )。

在国民收入核算体系中,计入GDP的政府支出是指( )。A.政府购买的物品支出B.政府购买的物品和劳务的支出C.政府工作的薪水和政府转移支付D.政府购买的物品的支出加上政府的转移支付之和请帮忙给出正确答案
