选择题:● A transport layer protocol usually has several responsibilities. One is to cre

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  • 题目类型:选择题
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● A transport layer protocol usually has several responsibilities. One is to create a process-to-process communication; UDP uses (71) numbers to accomplish this. Another responsibility is to provide control mechanisms at the transport level. UDP does this task at a very minimal level. There is no flow control mechanism and there is no (72) for received packet. UDP,however, does provide error control to some extent. If UDP detects an error in the received packet, it will silently drop it.

The transport layer also provides a connection mechanism for the processes. The (73) must be able to send streams of data to the transport layer. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at (74) station to make the connection with the receiver, chop the stream into transportable units,number them, and send them one by one. It is the responsibility of the transport layer at the receiving end to wait until all the different units belonging to the same process have arrived, check and pass those that are (75) free, and deliver them to the receiving process as a stream.

(71)A.hop B.port C.route D.packet

(72)A.connection B.window C.acknowledgement D.destination

(73)A.jobs B.processes C.programs D.users

(74)A.sending B.routing C.switching D.receiving

(75)A.call B.state C.cost D.error


● 假设用户Q1有2000台主机,则必须给他分配(53)个C类网络,如果分配给用户Q1的超网号为200.9.64.0,

● 假设用户Q1有2000台主机,则必须给他分配(53)个C类网络,如果分配给用户Q1的超网号为200.9.64.0,则指定给Q1的地址掩码为(54);假设给另一用户Q2分配的C类网络号为200.9.1



●根据《计算机软件产品开发文件编制指南》,用户手册应在(64)开始编制。(64)A.可行性研究与计划阶段B. 设计阶段C.需求分析阶段D.运行与维护阶段





下列条款在《学生伤害事故处理办法》中没有规定的是:为了确保在校学生的安全,学校应当( )A.对在校

下列条款在《学生伤害事故处理办法》中没有规定的是:为了确保在校学生的安全,学校应当( )A.对在校生进行必要的安全教育和自护自救教育B.按照规定建立健全安全制度,并予以认真落实C.与学生家长签订“学生(



