选择题:What's an Apprentice?As everyone knows, opportunities in the skilled trade...


What's an Apprentice? As everyone knows, opportunities in the skilled trades are set to explode in the next five to ten years. Many skilled trades train workers through apprenticeships - new workers spend up to 80% of their days learning on the job, and only 20% in the classroom. This is accomplished through being paired with an expert in the trade who will guide the apprentice through their learning process. Many countries have developed special ””pre-apprenticeship”” secondary school programs. If you are in high school, by participating in these programs you can learn job skills and earn credits towards your apprenticeship before you even graduate. Apprenticeships range from auto mechanics to cabinetmaking, construction, and pastry making What is an apprentice according to this article?

(a) Anyone who spends 20% of his or her time inside a classroom (b) An expert in a skilled trade who spends 80% of his or her time on the job (c) Any high school student who is learning job skills (d) A new worker matched with an expert to learn a skilled trade


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It is probably safe to say that of all the board members, Mr. Cain has the mo...


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Raymond and Howell proposed job cuts following a two-year decline in sales ()a.f


世界径流总量与亚洲径流总量的差约是亚洲径流总量的( )倍。A.1.7 B.1.8 C.2 D.2.1

世界径流总量与亚洲径流总量的差约是亚洲径流总量的( )倍。A.1.7 B.1.8 C.2 D.2.1


通货膨胀的收入分配效应主要表现是() 。A、 产生有利于利润收入者而不利于工资收入者的分配 B、 产生有利于公众而不利于国家的分配 C、 产生有利于债务人而不利

通货膨胀的收入分配效应主要表现是() 。A、 产生有利于利润收入者而不利于工资收入者的分配 B、 产生有利于公众而不利于国家的分配 C、 产生有利于债务人而不利


微观经济学与宏观经济学的主要不同包括() 。A、基本假设不同 B、研究方法不同 C、解决的问题不同 D、研究对象不同

微观经济学与宏观经济学的主要不同包括() 。A、基本假设不同 B、研究方法不同 C、解决的问题不同 D、研究对象不同
