选择题:The teenage years should be the best years of your life!Youn

  • 题目分类:远程教育
  • 题目类型:选择题
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The teenage years should be the best years of your life!

Young people often hear adults say this, but many teenagers disagree. They simply don’t feel like they’re in the midst of their best years. The pressures of school exams and concerns about relationships with family and friends create a great deal of stress for the average teenager. Many find ways to cope with the stress. But for a large number of teens, their problems seem impossible to deal with. When this happens, the young person may fall into depression.

In mainland China, a survey found that 16 percent of college students suffered from fear, anxiety, or depression. Increasing mental health problems have prompted the government to look for possible solutions.

This growing trend extends beyond Asia, too. Studies in the U.S. and the UK show that teenage depression is on the rise. A 2004 report stated that emotional problems among Britain’s youth have increased by 70 percent over the past 25 years.

Faced with these startling numbers, mental health professionals are hoping to raise awareness. Depression can range from mild unhappiness to thoughts of suicide. For this reason, adults should take the illness seriously. Parents can do this by learning about the causes and symptoms of teen depression.

Some factors that may lead to teenage depression are:

●Overwhelming expectations by parents and other adults

●Parental separation or divorce

●Death of a loved one

●Moving to a new location

●Physical illness

Most of the time when teens are depressed, there’something wrong in their lives, says UCLA psychology professor Constance Hammen. Kids often get depressed because bad things happen to them that they don’t have the coping skills to deal with.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of depression, you need to talk with someone. There’s no shame in being depressed. Most people suffer from it at one time or another.Unfortunately , feelings of depression may cause you to feel hopeless about your life and your future. But another person can help you put things in perspective.

(1)In paragraphs 3 and 4, a survey in mainland China and a 2004 report are mentioned to ______________.

A、indicate the contrast between mainland China and UK

B、show teenage depression is a serious problem in mainland China

C、show teenage depression is a growing problem in UK

D、indicate teenage depression is a growing problem in many countries.

(2)Why do kids often get depressed according to Constance Hammen?

A、Because bad things often happen to them.

B、Because there’s something wrong in their life.

C、Because they can’t deal with the problems.

D、Because they are weak.

(3)All of the following can fall into the category of depression EXCEPT __________.


B、mild unhappiness

C、some mental or emotional problems

D、thoughts of suicide

(4)If you feel depressed, you should __________.

A、be ashamed

B、feel hopeless

C、talk to someone

D、enjoy your best years

(5)The word it in the last paragraph refers to ______________.

A、a problem



D、a disease








教育心理学的创始人是( )。

单选题  教育心理学的创始人是( )。A华生 B桑代克C布鲁纳D加涅


学校为提升升学率,取消了文化娱乐等活动,这侵犯了学生的( )时间。

单选题  学校为提升升学率,取消了文化娱乐等活动,这侵犯了学生的( )时间。A兴趣小组 B课外活动C自习D素质教育


(2014年真题)下列交易事项中,会影响企业当期营业利润的有(  )。

(2014年真题)下列交易事项中,会影响企业当期营业利润的有(  )。
