选择题:Questions 7 1~75 refer to the following information.Family caregivers of se...


Questions 7 1~75 refer to the following information. Family caregivers of seniors should be cognizant of stress as it relates to their loved ones. Knowing the signs and detecting them early can help seniors learn to recognize stress factors and to take steps to alleviate the effects stress can cause. Activities such as yoga, walking and other physical exercises designed for seniors are great tension relievers. Many seniors enjoy the benefits of tai chi classes geared to their physical abilities. The Mayo Clinic supports this gentle form of martial arts as a way to relieve stress and help other health-related conditions. Some seniors are unable to participate in physical activities, but there are other ways to reduce stress. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and getting a good night's sleep can keep stress at bay. Joining a non-physical group activities, such as a bridge club or volunteering, offers socialization and a chance to clear the mind of daily responsibilities. There are also local agencies that can help with tasks that might cause undue stress for seniors. Respite care organizations can help with housework or grocery shopping. Religious organizations often have groups who can assist seniors with yard work or other strenuous tasks around the home. The fact that stress is a part of life does not mean that overwhelming stress is a burden seniors have to shoulder all alone. With help, seniors can combat stress and its negative effects. Spend time helping seniors determine what burdens they face. Help them plan ways suited to their lifestyles that are not only fun but that can minimize the pressures stress can cause. By doing so, the quality of life seniors experience can increase, further paving the way for them to lead independent lives within the comfort of their own homes. According to the passage, what's the benefit of minimizing the pressures caused by seniors' stress?

A. Those seniors' quality of life can be improved. B. Those seniors can live independently. C. Those seniors can finally stay at their own homes. D. Those seniors can enjoy the comfort offered by caregivers.


Questions 52—55 refer to the following information,NOTICE TO ALDER PARK RES...

Questions 52—55 refer to the following information,NOTICE TO ALDER PARK RES...


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下列选项,哪个适合填入问号处?( )


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某超市准备在五一组织促销活动,原计划由80 名员用5 天时间准备此次活动,现需要提前1 天完成,还需要增加( )名员工。A.50 B.100 C.40 D

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