选择题:Questions 52—55 refer to the following information,NOTICE TO ALDER PARK RES...


Questions 52—55 refer to the following information, NOTICE TO ALDER PARK RESIDENTS: New City Recycling Program On August 1, a new law will take effect in Alder Park that will require residents to recycle products made of paper, glass, and aluminum. Those recyclables should be placed in green plastic bins provided by the city, which will be delivered during the week of July 15. The city will pick up those recyclables during the first and third weeks of each month on garbage pick-up days. Please follow the guidelines provided above. Garbage pick-up will continue on a weekly basis, according to the regular schedule. If you have any questions, please contact the city refuse program at 555-1067, extension How many times per month will paper be collected?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4


下列选项,哪个适合填入问号处?( )

下列选项,哪个适合填入问号处?( )


将以下6 个句子重新排列组合,排列组合最连贯的是( )。(1)产能合作符合双方的共同利益有助于推动中拉经贸合作升级。(2)并带动贸易、投资和金融合作三大引...

将以下6 个句子重新排列组合,排列组合最连贯的是( )。(1)产能合作符合双方的共同利益有助于推动中拉经贸合作升级。(2)并带动贸易、投资和金融合作三大引...


教育储蓄所得的利息不用纳税,海爸为小海存了五年期的教育储蓄基金。已知年利率为5.20%,到期后共领到了本金和利息37800 元。海爸存的教育储蓄金的本...

教育储蓄所得的利息不用纳税,海爸为小海存了五年期的教育储蓄基金。已知年利率为5.20%,到期后共领到了本金和利息37800 元。海爸存的教育储蓄金的本...


某超市准备在五一组织促销活动,原计划由80 名员用5 天时间准备此次活动,现需要提前1 天完成,还需要增加( )名员工。A.50 B.100 C.40 D

某超市准备在五一组织促销活动,原计划由80 名员用5 天时间准备此次活动,现需要提前1 天完成,还需要增加( )名员工。A.50 B.100 C.40 D


下列不属于我国的天然气主要分布区域的是( )。A.塔里木盆地 B.云贵高原 C.渤海湾 D.四川盆地

下列不属于我国的天然气主要分布区域的是( )。A.塔里木盆地 B.云贵高原 C.渤海湾 D.四川盆地
