选择题:In nearly every town or city center in the UK, on most days of the week you can

  • 题目分类:成人高考
  • 题目类型:选择题
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In nearly every town or city center in the UK, on most days of the week you can find one or more people standing in the street selling a magazine 21 The Big Issue. These people are all 22 , but they are not begging for money. 23 , they are selling the magazine as a means(手段) of 24 a small but respectable living.

The Big Issue magazine was 25 in 1991 by Jon Bird and Gordon Roddick after they 26 that there were many homeless people who were 27 on the streets of London. On a previous (之前的) 28 to New York, one of them had seen homeless people selling a news- paper known as Street News 29 they decided to set up something 30 in the British capital.

Nowadays, The Big Issue has 31 all over the UK and there are even different versions(版本) of the magazine in different parts of the 32 The sellers buy each magazine from the organization for seventy pence and then sell it to a 33 or one pound fifty. By working with The Big Issue, many people have been 34 to escape from homelessness, and 35 many of them have moved on to new jobs and new lives.







There is nobody here in the office--they __________ have all gone home.

There is nobody here in the office--they __________ have all gone home.


The next morning people found the world outside their houses completely_________

The next morning people found the world outside their houses completely___________.


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根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。  There are various in which individual economic units Can interact with one another.Three basic ways may be described as the market system,the administered system and the traditional


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