选择题:CThe little wolf, White Fang, made an enemy of the dog, Lip—Lip.Lip—Lip attacked

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The little wolf, White Fang, made an enemy of the dog, Lip—Lip.Lip—Lip attacked him whenever he could.He was bigger and stronger than White Fang and always won their fights.White Fang knew that he could not win a fight against Lip﹣Lip.He thought that he had to do something else to teach the dog a lesson.

①One day, he was playing at a river bank when he saw Lip—Lip come.He suddenly got a good idea.He pretended

to be hurt and unable to run fast.When Lip﹣Lip ran after him, he led Lip Lip to the place where his mother stayed.When Lip—Lip got close to her, she turned Lip—Lip over and bit him until she let him go, but White Fang had a bigger problem.

Lip﹣Lip was the leader of the other dogs.They followed him and obeyed him.None of them would become friends with White Fang.Whenever he came near them, they attacked him.

②He was never allowed to play with the other dogs.This made him unhappy and angry.He often forgot how to behave well.

③Several days later, White Fang saw a man take his mother in a small boat.He tried to follow them.He jumped into the river and swam after the boat.Another man came after White Fang in his boat.He lifted White Fang out of the water.White Fang tried to get away from the man, but the man hit him and threw him into the boat.

④White Fang was now very angry because he wanted to be with his mother.He forgot how powerful men were, and he bit the man.The man was so angry that he beat(打)White Fang again and again.The man hurt him badly.

White Fang finally learned that he couldn't bite a man because if he did, he would be beaten badly.

——Adapted from White Fang

Why did White Fang always lose the fights with Lip﹣Lip?

A.Because he was bigger and stronger than Lip-Lip.

B.Because he was smaller and weaker than Lip-Lip.

C.Because he wanted to make Lip-Lip happy.

D.Because he wanted to make friends with Lip-Lip.


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