选择题:根据以下材料,回答Mother Teresa once said, "Everytime you smile at someone, it is an acti

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  • 题目类型:选择题
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Mother Teresa once said, "Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, abeautiful thing." However a recent survey showed that 25% of Chinese neversmiled or smiled less than five times a day. It also found that 2% of Chinesewere willing to smile at strangers.

To make a change, forty students fromShanghai Normal University started a team of "Smiling Volunteers".Their first smiling task was to smile at all the visitors in the Shanghai FilmArt Centre and asked if they needed their help. Not all students found it easyto smile all the time. "When volunteers help other people, smiling is thebest way to make them understand that volunteers are ready and sincere."One team leader said.

A teacher in charge of the team thought theteam′s work was not all fun and games. "Most of our students will beteachers after they leave the university. Smiling is necessary for goodteachers. We hope they can learn how to smile at each other," she said.

Everyone smiles in the same language. Soit′s not important whether you are a teacher or not. After all, sincere smilingand helping hearts are the most important.如果你没有以一个微笑开始新的一天,那从现在开始,为了明天而进行练习也为时不晚。Remember "The world always looks brighter from behind asmile."

Translate the underlined sentence inparagraph 1 into Chinese.



对浅部真菌和深部真菌均有抗菌作用的是A.红霉素 B.咪康唑 C.庆大霉素 D.阿昔洛韦 E.利巴韦林

对浅部真菌和深部真菌均有抗菌作用的是A.红霉素 B.咪康唑 C.庆大霉素 D.阿昔洛韦 E.利巴韦林


肝素过量可选用的拮抗药是A.维生素K B.鱼精蛋白 C.葡萄糖酸钙 D.氨甲苯酸 E.叶酸

肝素过量可选用的拮抗药是A.维生素K B.鱼精蛋白 C.葡萄糖酸钙 D.氨甲苯酸 E.叶酸


可用于治疗鼻塞、流涕的药物是A.伪麻黄碱 B.多巴胺 C.去甲肾上腺素 D.异丙肾上腺素 E.普萘洛尔

可用于治疗鼻塞、流涕的药物是A.伪麻黄碱 B.多巴胺 C.去甲肾上腺素 D.异丙肾上腺素 E.普萘洛尔


毛果芸香碱可引起A.血压升高 B.瞳孔扩大 C.骨骼肌松弛 D.腺体分泌增加 E.心脏兴奋性下降

毛果芸香碱可引起A.血压升高 B.瞳孔扩大 C.骨骼肌松弛 D.腺体分泌增加 E.心脏兴奋性下降


闻一多先生上课 汪曾祺 ①闻先生性格强烈坚毅。日寇南侵,清华、北大、南开合成临时大学,在长沙少驻,后改为西南联合大学,将往云南。一部分师生组成步行团,闻先生参加

闻一多先生上课 汪曾祺 ①闻先生性格强烈坚毅。日寇南侵,清华、北大、南开合成临时大学,在长沙少驻,后改为西南联合大学,将往云南。一部分师生组成步行团,闻先生参加步行,万里长征,他把胡子留了起来,声言:
