单选:根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。  There are various in which individual economic units

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  • 题目类型:单选
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根据下列短文,回答{TSE}题。  There are various in which individual economic units Can interact with one another.Three basic ways may be described as the market system,the administered system and the traditional system.In a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in themarketplacE.It is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities tothem.In a market,transactions may take place via barter or money exchangE.In a barter economy,real goods such as automobiles,shoes and pizzas are traded against each other.Obviously,finding somebody who wants to bade my old Car in exchange for a sailboat may not always bean easy task.Hence,the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably.In the modern market economy,goods and services are bought or sold for money.  An alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all trans.actions.This agency will issue edicts or commands as to how much of each good and service should be produced,exchanged,and consumed by each economic unit.Central 01anaing may beone way of administering such an economy.The central plan,drawn up by the government,shows the amounts of each commodity produced by the various firms and allocated to differenthouseholds for consumption.This is an example of complete planing of production,consump—tion,and exchange for the whole economy.  In a traditional society,production and consumption paUerns are governed by tradition:everyperson’S place within the economic system is fixed by parentage,religion and custom.     Transac—tions take place on the basis of tradition,too.People belonging to a certain group or caste mayhave an obligation to care for other persons,provide them with food and shelter,care for theirhealth,and provide for their education.Clearly,in a system where every decision is made on thebasis of tradition alone,progress may be difficult to achievE.A stagnant society may result.{TS}What is main purpose of the passage?
A.To outline contrasting types of economy.
B.To explain the science of economics.
C.To argue for the superiority of one economics.
D.To compare barter and money exchange markets.

根据以下选项,回答{TSE}题:A.脐水平以上静脉血流向上,脐以下血流向下 B.脐水平以上静脉血流向下,脐以下血流向上C.腹壁静脉血流全部向

根据以下选项,回答{TSE}题:A.脐水平以上静脉血流向上,脐以下血流向下 B.脐水平以上静脉血流向下,脐以下血流向上C.腹壁静脉血流全部向上 D.腹壁静脉血流全部向下 E.以脐为中心血流向四周 {TS}上腔静脉阻塞时,腹壁静脉血流方向为(  )


It isn’t quite________ that their team will win the game this evening.

It isn’t quite________ that their team will win the game this evening.A.exactB.rightC.sureD.certain


( )是我国资本市场反洗钱的主要金融机构。

( )是我国资本市场反洗钱的主要金融机构。


(  )应当指导、督促公司妥善处理投资人的重大投诉,保护投资人的合法权益。

(  )应当指导、督促公司妥善处理投资人的重大投诉,保护投资人的合法权益。


女性,40岁。既往有风湿性心脏病史,近一周出现咳嗽、咯痰,双下肢浮肿,不能平卧。该患者还可能出现下列哪项体征(  )

女性,40岁。既往有风湿性心脏病史,近一周出现咳嗽、咯痰,双下肢浮肿,不能平卧。该患者还可能出现下列哪项体征(  ) A.呼吸过缓B.深大呼吸C.潮式呼吸D.呼吸过速E.叹息样呼吸
