选择题:● The usual way to ensure reliable delivery is to provide the (71) with some feedback abou

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  • 题目类型:选择题
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● The usual way to ensure reliable delivery is to provide the (71) with some feedback about what is happening at the other end of the line. Typically, the protocol calls for the receiver to send back special (72) frame. bearing positive or negative (73) about the incoming frames. If the sender receives a positive acknowledgement about a frame, it knows the frame. has arrived safely. On the other hand, a negative acknowledgement means that something has gone wrong, and the frame. must be transmitted again. An additional complication comes from the possibility that hardware troubles may cause a

frame. to (74) completely. In this case, the receiver will not react at all, since it has no any reason to react. It should be clear that a protocol in which the sender transmits a frame. and then waits for an acknowledgement, positive or negative, will hang forever if a frame. is ever lost due to, for example, (75) hardware.


A. receiver

B. controller

C. sender

D. customer


A. data

B. control

C. request

D. session


A. application

B. connection

C. stream

D. acknowledgement


A. vanish

B. vary

C. appear

D. incline


A. acting

B. working

C. malfunctioning

D. functioning


文中( 3 )处正确的答案是( )。 A.总线型B.星型C.环型D.树型

文中( 3 )处正确的答案是( )。 A.总线型B.星型C.环型D.树型


● 计算机系统中用来连接 CPU、内存储器和 I/O接口的总线称为系统总线。 (1)总线属于系统总线技术的

● 计算机系统中用来连接 CPU、内存储器和 I/O接口的总线称为系统总线。 (1)总线属于系统总线技术的


● 微机系统中 BIOS(基本输入输出系统)保存在 (2) 中。 (2)A. 主板上的ROM B. DRAM C. 主板上的RAM

● 微机系统中 BIOS(基本输入输出系统)保存在 (2) 中。 (2)A. 主板上的ROM B. DRAM C. 主板上的RAM


● 在 CPU 中, (3) 可用于传送和暂存用户数据,为 ALU执行算术逻辑运算提供工作区。 (3)A. 程序计数

● 在 CPU 中, (3) 可用于传送和暂存用户数据,为 ALU执行算术逻辑运算提供工作区。 (3)A. 程序计数


设信道的码元速率为400波特,采用4相DPSK调制,则信道的数据速率为( )bit/s。 A.300B.600C

设信道的码元速率为400波特,采用4相DPSK调制,则信道的数据速率为( )bit/s。 A.300B.600C
