钟1. In the first class in this semester, the teach

钟1. In the first class in this semester, the teacher started ______ a story she


7. With her children living abroad, she has her ho

7. With her children living abroad, she has her house ______ every December.(本题2


38. Danby left word with my secretary _____ he wou

38. Danby left word with my secretary _____ he would call again this afternoon(本


45. (问答题) 请提前一周把申请表寄至人事部门。_______(本题7.5分)

45. (问答题) 请提前一周把申请表寄至人事部门。_______(本题7.5分)


19. We’d better focus on the program that caters _

19. We’d better focus on the program that caters ______ the needs of children.(本


24. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opi

24. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have fact


21. I had my car ______. Would you please pick me

21. I had my car ______. Would you please pick me up tomorrow morning?(本题1.0分) A


9. Whenever an earthquake occurs, see to it that t

9. Whenever an earthquake occurs, see to it that the ______ and gas are turned o


7. With her children living abroad, she has her ho

7. With her children living abroad, she has her house ______ every December.(本题1


3. Human beings aren’t ______ mistakes. And I deci

3. Human beings aren’t ______ mistakes. And I decided to forgive him.(本题2.0分) A、


24. I didn’t realize he was a famous film star ___

24. I didn’t realize he was a famous film star ______ he took off his dark glass


27. Both ____ and ____ laughter do harm to your he

27. Both ____ and ____ laughter do harm to your health(本题2.0分) A、 A .burst out c


14. Theyspendalltheirsparetime业余时间,_________theirs

14. Theyspendalltheirsparetime业余时间,_________theirsparemoney余款,ontheirexperiments


16. ---- Have you ever visited the Opera House? --

16. ---- Have you ever visited the Opera House? ---- Yes When I was in Sydney, I


25. Due ______technological changes, our life beco

25. Due ______technological changes, our life becomes more and more convenient.(


18. ______ dripping of water wears away a stone.(本

18. ______ dripping of water wears away a stone.(本题1.0分) A、 constancy  B、 consta


(5). Where can we read the passage? ( )(本题6.0分) A、

(5). Where can we read the passage? ( )(本题6.0分) A、 In a cartoon.    B、 In a maga


23. The two brothers look so much _______ that we

23. The two brothers look so much _______ that we can’t _______ one from the oth


12. Their dormitory is ______ ours in decoration.(

12. Their dormitory is ______ ours in decoration.(本题1.0分) A、 likely to  B、 simil


44. (问答题) 那部新电影是根据真实故事而制作的,我认为它值得一看。_______(本题7.5分

44. (问答题) 那部新电影是根据真实故事而制作的,我认为它值得一看。_______(本题7.5分)


22. The flood of ________ much damage in that area

22. The flood of ________ much damage in that area(本题2.0分) A、 rounded up  B、 mad


(2). What does the underlined word "thoughtful" me

(2). What does the underlined word "thoughtful" mean? ( )(本题6.0分) A、 Talking qui


5. Nobody can deny that success in study ______ in

5. Nobody can deny that success in study ______ in the flexible method and posit


5. Nobody can deny that success in study ______ in

5. Nobody can deny that success in study ______ in the flexible method and posit


4. The three ______ working telephone lines are qu

4. The three ______ working telephone lines are quite busy following the earthqu
