In the first class in this semester, the teacher s

In the first class in this semester, the teacher started ______ a story she expe


There is no reason for you ______ her honesty.(本题2

There is no reason for you ______ her honesty.(本题2.0分) A、 not believe B、 not bel


(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 terrible

(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 terrible B、 December C、 yellow D、 seldom


With her children living abroad, she has her house

With her children living abroad, she has her house ______ every December.(本题2.0分


Human beings aren’t ______ mistakes. And I decided

Human beings aren’t ______ mistakes. And I decided to forgive him.(本题2.0分) A、 wi


To my surprise, I found the classroom is ______ at

To my surprise, I found the classroom is ______ at 8:00 in the morning.(本题2.0分)


The other day I asked a group of my students how t

The other day I asked a group of my students how they like to learn English. The


Their dormitory is ______ ours in decoration.(本题2.

Their dormitory is ______ ours in decoration.(本题2.0分) A、 likely to B、 similar to


(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 chance

(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 chance B、 basket C、 past D、 rabbit


I had my car ______. Would you please pick me up t

I had my car ______. Would you please pick me up tomorrow morning?(本题2.0分) A、 re


Beat in the eggs, one ______.(本题2.0分) A、 at a time

Beat in the eggs, one ______.(本题2.0分) A、 at a time B、 at any time C、 at times D、


The students’ preference ______ learning online ur

The students’ preference ______ learning online urge the teachers to learn more


I didn’t realize he was a famous film star ______

I didn’t realize he was a famous film star ______ he took off his dark glasses.(


选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 holiday

选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 holiday  B、 terrible C、 library D、 possible


We’d better focus on the program that caters _____

We’d better focus on the program that caters ______ the needs of children.(本题2.0


(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 boat

(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 boat B、 return C、 satellite D、 century


The three ______ working telephone lines are quite

The three ______ working telephone lines are quite busy following the earthquake


This method is ______ which saves us half of the t

This method is ______ which saves us half of the time and effort.(本题2.0分) A、 eff


Whenever an earthquake occurs, see to it that the

Whenever an earthquake occurs, see to it that the ______ and gas are turned off.


Not until they got married _______ that he is a ru

Not until they got married _______ that he is a rude man.(本题2.0分) A、 she knew B、


(阅读理解题)How do you acquire confidence? Speak Englis

(阅读理解题)How do you acquire confidence? Speak English with friends first because w


(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 most

(选出与其他单词划线部分读音不同的单词)( )(本题2.0分) A、 most B、 cos C、 post D、 almost


With user-______ computer, people with little educ

With user-______ computer, people with little education can also learn how to us


In one aspect, the seven-day National Day Holiday

In one aspect, the seven-day National Day Holiday ______ the students’ distracti


______ dripping of water wears away a stone.(本题2.0

______ dripping of water wears away a stone.(本题2.0分) A、 constancy B、 constant C、
