— We are sorry we can’t stay with you.(本题3.5分) A、

— We are sorry we can’t stay with you.(本题3.5分) A、 No, sorry at all  B、 I don’t t


-Oh, thank you. I __________ how to do it.(本题3.0分)

-Oh, thank you. I __________ how to do it.(本题3.0分) A、 had wondered B、 would wond


The driver might have had an accident but he______

The driver might have had an accident but he________ the car suddenly.(本题3.5分) A


You should always take into consideration the part

You should always take into consideration the part a good way of learning will _


-- ________.But _______,please. I’ll get a pen fir

-- ________.But _______,please. I’ll get a pen first.(本题3.0分) A、 A Certainly not


— Then , I’m afraid there is left .(本题3.0分) A、 not

— Then , I’m afraid there is left .(本题3.0分) A、 nothing B、 no one C、 none D、 neit


They sold their house for only , dollars, so the b

They sold their house for only , dollars, so the buyer got a wonderful________.(


With ______ , the boy immediately cried out becaus

With ______ , the boy immediately cried out because of the great pain.(本题3.5分) A


Wouldn’t it be _____ wonderful world of all countr

Wouldn’t it be _____ wonderful world of all countries if the world lived in ____


I asked him to show me the record that ________ th

I asked him to show me the record that ________ the meeting, but he refused.(本题3


The brave man was greatly honoured when the organi

The brave man was greatly honoured when the organizer announced, “You ____ a med


) Flora and Jeff ________gone down under the water

) Flora and Jeff ________gone down under the water before they could move away.(


— Have you graduated from collage?— Yes , ________

— Have you graduated from collage?— Yes , ________.(本题3.5分) A、 I studied French


A witness gave a description of the man. A. detect

A witness gave a description of the man. A. detective B. involved C. detached D.


It’s terrible. The car ________ break down just as

It’s terrible. The car ________ break down just as we were going on our holiday.


_____ scores of times ,but he still couldn’t under

_____ scores of times ,but he still couldn’t understand it .(本题3.0分) A、 A Having


The five firemen the director had________ the peop

The five firemen the director had________ the people in the fire were highly pra


We waited and waited. _________ we had been lookin

We waited and waited. _________ we had been looking forward to .(本题3.0分) A、 A Th


I’m sorry to say that I can’t imagine such a gentl

I’m sorry to say that I can’t imagine such a gentleman _______ be so rude to a l


Where did you get ________ car of________?(本题3.5分)

Where did you get ________ car of________?(本题3.5分) A、 this; yours   B、 the; you


I hope my boss will take my recent illness into __

I hope my boss will take my recent illness into ____ when judging my performance


--It was in 2002(本题3.0分) A、 this; that B、 that; wh

--It was in 2002(本题3.0分) A、 this; that B、 that; when C、 that; that D、 this; when


--I _______,but I had an expected visitor.(本题3.0分)

--I _______,but I had an expected visitor.(本题3.0分) A、 A had B、 B would C、 C was


When I was very young, I was terribly frightened o

When I was very young, I was terribly frightened of school, but I soon ____ it.


_______ their son away to college, the old couple

_______ their son away to college, the old couple got more room in the house.(本题
