She saw him coming but she ______ him.()(本题2.5分) A

She saw him coming but she ______ him.()(本题2.5分) A、 neglected’ B、 100ked down C、


The word “prospective” in Para.5 is closest in mea

The word “prospective” in Para.5 is closest in meaning to “______”.()(本题2.0分) A、


--What do you think of your new teacher?--________

--What do you think of your new teacher?--___________()(本题2.5分) A、 He came to te


--How did Mr.Jones get to the cinema?--_________()

--How did Mr.Jones get to the cinema?--_________()(本题2.5分) A、 At 10 O’clock. B、


--Are you from Italy?--___________.()(本题2.5分) A、 Y

--Are you from Italy?--___________.()(本题2.5分) A、 Yes, we are.    B、 No, we don’t


(3). The political prisoners were kept in Bastille

(3). The political prisoners were kept in Bastille.()(本题2.0分) A、 T B、 F


--How’s your mother doing?--_______()(本题2.5分) A、 S

--How’s your mother doing?--_______()(本题2.5分) A、 She is very kind. B、 She is ver


27. (阅读理解题)It is natural for young people to be cr

27. (阅读理解题)It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at tim


The sales manager asked his men to inform him ____

The sales manager asked his men to inform him __________ everything concerning t


(2). The national economy was developing rapidly i

(2). The national economy was developing rapidly in 1789.()(本题2.0分) A、 T B、 F


The pilot as well as two of the passengers _______

The pilot as well as two of the passengers ________ miraculously escaped death.(


Everyday we students should _______ enough time fo

Everyday we students should _______ enough time for study.()(本题2.5分) A、 set up B


There _____ a book and some magazines on the desk.

There _____ a book and some magazines on the desk.()(本题2.5分) A、 are B、 is C、 hav


Air and water are to life.()(本题2.0分) A、 preferable

Air and water are to life.()(本题2.0分) A、 preferable B、 irreplaceable C、 acceptabl


--Mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend

--Mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend?--______________.()(本题2.5分) A


Frank plays ______ Alex.()(本题2.5分) A、 a lot more b

Frank plays ______ Alex.()(本题2.5分) A、 a lot more better than B、 a lot better tha


There’s no question that the ads had a real impact

There’s no question that the ads had a real impact ______ the public.()(本题2.5分)


--What do you do?-- ____________()(本题2.5分) A、 What

--What do you do?-- ____________()(本题2.5分) A、 What do you do? B、 Fine, thank you


The more he tried to help her, _______ she seemed

The more he tried to help her, _______ she seemed to appreciate it.()(本题2.5分) A、


The king tried to control the national parliament

The king tried to control the national parliament after the Revolution.()(本题2.0分


Have you been to Paris?-- ____________()(本题2.5分) A

Have you been to Paris?-- ____________()(本题2.5分) A、 No, I didn’t go there last y


The word “relative” in Para.2 could best be replac

The word “relative” in Para.2 could best be replaced by “_____”.()(本题2.0分) A、 fa


26. (阅读理解题) Not so long ago almost any student who

26. (阅读理解题) Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completes a univ


--How many students do you teach?--__________()(本题

--How many students do you teach?--__________()(本题2.5分) A、 Quite a bit. B、 More


The advice given in the first sentence of Para.3 i

The advice given in the first sentence of Para.3 is to __________.()(本题2.0分) A、
