单选题:根据以下资料,回答题。  Scotland provides superb opportunities to enjoy

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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根据以下资料,回答题。   Scotland provides superb opportunities to enjoy wild and grand scenery which is even more impressive than the postcards suggest.It also offers towns and cities with a rich cultural life, a good mix of accommodation and places to eat and drink.Friendly and welcoming, it is an interesting and colorful all-season destination, where landscapes and the environment, sport and leisure pursuits, heritage and history, culture and cuisine are all part of a rewarding experience.
  The best reason for choosing to go on holiday to Scotland is: one of the last places inside the crowded and frenetic European Union where it is possible to be alone isolated countryside.This is not to say that Scotland, like everywhere else, does not have its tourist traps, its crowded roads or its popular beauty spots.But it is relatively easy to escape from them.
It would be a mistake to think that Scotland is merely an extension of England.
  Indeed, no attitude is capable of causing greater offence to the Scots.They successfully resisted English attempts at domination for seven hundred years, and many differences between the two countries persist.
  Scotland's history, embodied in its castles, battlefields, and ancient links with France, Flanders and Scandinavia, is special. Scotland is __. A. full of lively towns and cities
B. similar to many other countries in Europe
C. as impressive as postcards suggest
D. good for sports

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