单选题:Questions refer to the following passage.From: Wayne Thomas

Questions refer to the following passage.
From: Wayne Thomas [wayne@e-solutions.com]
To: terry.giblert@monavale.com
Cc: Karen Russell [Karen.russell@e-solutions.com]
Sent: Tue, March 07, 2007 14:11 PM
I believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profile that we 16 in our last meeting.In it you will find the necessary information you requested.If you still haven't received it, please feel free to contact me.
Anyway, to keep the ball roiling, our Chairman, Mr.Langley would like to have a meeting with Ms.Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date from March 20th to March 24th to have a further discussion on the ____17____ of our cooperation.
Those dates have been chosen since Mr.Langley will be traveling extensively in ___18____ March and April.However, if our suggested dates do not suit Ms.Rusell, then please let us know your preferred date for the meeting.
Best regards,
________ A.are discussing
B.had discussed
C.were in discussion
D.will be discussing



()不是商业银行对集团客户授信应遵循的原则。A.统一原则 A.统一原则 A.统一原则 A.统一原则 B.计划原则 B.计划原则 B.计划原则 B.计划原则 C.


信用卡透支额计息方式不包括(  )。

信用卡透支额计息方式不包括(  )。A.全额罚息 A.全额罚息 A.全额罚息 B.余额计息 B.余额计息 B.余额计息 C.全额计息 C.全


以下(  )不属于商业银行绩效考评的基本要素。

以下(  )不属于商业银行绩效考评的基本要素。 A.评价目标 B.评价标准 C.评价对象 D.评价盈利


将估算出的借款人营运资金需求量扣除借款人自有资金、现有流动资金贷款以及其他融资,就可估算出(  )。

将估算出的借款人营运资金需求量扣除借款人自有资金、现有流动资金贷款以及其他融资,就可估算出(  )。 A.营运资金周转量 B.存贷周期天数 C.营运资金量 D


垄断会导致资源无法达到最优配置,这是由于(  ).

垄断会导致资源无法达到最优配置,这是由于(  ).A.垄断产生道德风险问题 B.垄断导致外部不经济 C.垄断产生“搭便车”行为 D.垄断使得市场机制难以充分有效
