选择题:46. (阅读理解题)To learn with success is not a very dif


46. (阅读理解题)To learn with success is not a very difficult task if some fundamental principles are laid __(1)__ to be the bases. In discussing this subject, four indispensable principles should __(2)__ , that is, diligence, devotion, constancy and punctuality. All things can be conquered by diligence. It __(3)__ the foolish wise, the poor rich, and the humble noble. It produces a wonderful effect. In learning, the work of a diligent fool doubles that of a lazy wit. Devotion means to set our heart __(4)__ one thing at a time and give up all other thoughts. Never think of learning __(5)__ subject while studying one thing. Those who often change their studies will never succeed __(6)__ the long run. Therefore, in order to be successful we need devotion. Constancy makes success a certainty, while inconstancy often __(7)__ in failure. __(8)__ we study day after day, there is nothing that can not be achieved. We should remember the proverb, “Constant dripping of water wears away a stone.” __(9)__ these, there is another rule helpful to one’s accomplishments, that is, punctuality. The habit of keeping a regular time is __(10)__ extreme importance to successful learning. “Work while working; play while playing.” Every man will certainly become wise and successful if he does so.

开笼放鸟而捕之,解缰放马而逐之,曷若勿纵勿解之为最易也。这两个比喻符合中国古代儿童家庭教育的( )A

开笼放鸟而捕之,解缰放马而逐之,曷若勿纵勿解之为最易也。这两个比喻符合中国古代儿童家庭教育的( )A.教子义方原则B.教儿宜早原则C.有教有爱原则D.量资循序原


苏珊朗格提出的文艺本质说是( )。(本题2.5分) A、 表现说 B、 神授说 C、 无意识说 D、

苏珊朗格提出的文艺本质说是( )。(本题2.5分) A、 表现说 B、 神授说 C、 无意识说 D、 符号说
