选择题:16. (阅读理解题)The comfort zone is our living, work, a

16. (阅读理解题)
The comfort zone is our living, work, and social environments that we have grown accustomed to. It determines the type of friends we make or people we associate with. It determines a life style we accept or reject.

Young people are very adaptable; they can adjust to changing comfort zones with ease. They can socialize with homeless people in the morning and be equally at ease at a formal banquet in the evening. As we age, the ability to adapt to wide-ranging comfort zones becomes more difficult. Social prejudice narrows the comfort zone range. The comfort zone can be a decision making tool.

Comfort zones are directly related to our dreams or goals, which is associated with self-fulfilling prophecy(预言). In order to grow and change, we must first be discontent with our current comfort zone. We must realize that all meaningful and lasting changes occur first in daydreaming and then they work their way into reality. The more clearly and vividly we fantasize our dream, the stronger and more real the pictures on the subconscious level will become. Once our subconscious accepts this image and its expectation, it will go to work, searching for a way to bring it into reality. If we feel that these things are too good for us, we will find ways to fail. If, however, we intentionally imagine the change we want, build an expectation of the change mentally and emotionally




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