选择题:How often do you talk with people and notice that

How often do you talk with people and notice that their words say one thing while their action says another? A facial expression, crossed arms or the way they behave can show what is really in their mind. This is body language, and we must teach our children to understand and use it.
We often teach children to be thoughtful when they speak and write, and we also need to teach them to be thoughtful in their body language. Giving examples is one of the ways to do that. Help children understand that people use body language most of the time in their life. Where they.re looking when they speak, how they turn their bodies, how they place their arms and so on can give others important information.
There will be times that people want and need to use their body language. In school or job situations, understanding body language can make a difference. And using body language in other situations is also helpful to personal safety and sometimes stops misunderstandings(误会).
(1). The first paragraph tells us that ________.( )(本题6.0分)
A、 it.s important to teach children body language
B、 children often use body language
C、 a facial expression is good for children
D、 crossed arms are not good for children

(2). What does the underlined word "thoughtful" mean? ( )(本题6.0分)
A、 Talking quietly.
B、 Looking directly.
C、 Speaking loudly.
D、 Thinking deeply.

(3). Which of

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若希望当A的值为奇数时,表达式的值为“真”,A的值为偶数时,表达式的值为“假”。则以下不能满足要求的表达式是( ).(本题1.5分) A、 A%2==1 B、
