单选题:根据短文内容,回答题。The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture

The Chinese have used a method called acupuncture (针灸) to perform operations for about4,000 years without putting the patient to sleep. This involves placing flexible needles into certain parts of the body. The needles are available in a number of stores in China and anyone may buy them.
To learn how to use the needles takes about one month of training. But to be skillful requires greater time. The person who performs the acupuncture knows how to put in the needles so the needles themselves are not painful. This person also .knows where to place the needles so the patient feels no pain in the area where the operation is to be performed. A particular operation might require 25 or more needles placed in various parts of the body. But now this operation requires only 3 or 4 needles.
Today, the Chinese doctors are trying to learn more about acupuncture. They are trying to develop a convincing theory to explain how the needles work in preventing pain, or why a needle in the wrist, for example, would prevent the pain in the area of the mouth, A patient who needs an operation is given a choice between having acupuncture or having one of the chemicals used for putting him to sleep. It has been estimated that over half of the patients choose acupuncture because there is no sickness after the operation but the chemical may make the patient sick for a few hours or a day.
Acupuncture is__________. A.a medical operation
B.a medical needle
C.a medical technique
D.a medical machine



第6题_______A.I heard the face of Beijing opera is very famous. B.Why not go with


Dialogue TwoSpeaker A: Do you know Beijing opera?Speaker B:

Dialogue TwoSpeaker A: Do you know Beijing opera?Speaker B: Of course. ____5__


根据《期货公司执行金融期货投资者适当性制度管理规则》,期货公司客户开发责任追究制度应当明确(  )的责任。

根据《期货公司执行金融期货投资者适当性制度管理规则》,期货公司客户开发责任追究制度应当明确(  )的责任。A.公司高级管理人员 B.审核人员 C.独立董事 D.


张华担任某期货公司业务主管,对自己与公司客户及公司领导之间的关系有如下认识,其中,正确的是(  )。

张华担任某期货公司业务主管,对自己与公司客户及公司领导之间的关系有如下认识,其中,正确的是(  )。A.本单位管理人员发出违法违规指令的,应当予以抵制,并按程序


期货从业人员在进行投资分析或者提出投资建议时,应避免的情形包括(  )。

期货从业人员在进行投资分析或者提出投资建议时,应避免的情形包括(  )。A.刻意与投资者意见保持一致 B.投资分析及投资建议要有合理、充足的依据 C.不区分客观
