单选题:根据以下内容,回答题。Renowned Chinese director Zhang Yimou's latest fi

Renowned Chinese director Zhang Yimou's latest film, Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles, held a trial premiere in the southern city of Guangzhou on December llth.
Set in the 1920s, Riding alone for Thousands of Miles tells a story of a Japanese man (Ken Takakura., accompanies his dying son to learn the local opera in China's Yunnan, where they meet a local girl.
The girl was played by Jiang Wen, a graduate student from Beijing Film Academy. Literally, Qian Li Zou Dan Ji means "lone ride over a thousand lis" (1 "li" equals to 0.31 mile.
Just like the title of Zhang's last film, Shi Mian Mai Fu (English rifle: House Of Flying Daggers, which means "ambushed from ten sides", Qian Li Zou Dan Ji has a metaphor meaning as well.
The film is budgeted at US $ 7.2 million, much smaller than Zhang's last two films, Hero and House Of Flying Daggers.
Veteran Japanese actor Ken Takakura, 74, plays a Japanese fisherman who takes his son, dying of cancer, to Yunnan Province in southwest China to search for the secret behind a local opera play. Actor Kiichi Nakal plays the son.
The film debuted in China as political and historical issues such as Japanese Prime Minister Juniehiro Koizu-mi's controversial visits to the war-related Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo arise.
Who will play the hero inZhang Yimou's latest film "Riding Alone for Thousand of Miles" ? A.Jiang Wen.
B.Ken Takakura.
C.Kiichi Nakal.
D.Junichiro Koizumi.


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