选择题:Why Volunteer?

Why Volunteer?

  Volunteering is a great way to get work experience, and may be one of the most valuable experiences of your life. You learn new skills by trying new jobs. Better yet, you can meet people who can give you guidance and possibly help you to find a paid job later on. Employers will be impressed that you took the initiative to learn new things. You can learn how a charitable organization works. Best of all, you will be taking action to promote what you think is important and probably be helping someone else along the way.
  Instead of considering volunteering as something you do for people who are not as fortunate as yourself, begin to think of it as an exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. You may be the person with the ability to help today, but tomorrow you may be someone who needs others. help. Even now you might be on both sides of the service cycle: maybe you are a tutor for someone who can.t read, while last month the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you to the emergency room. Volunteering also includes “self-help.” So if you are active in your neighborhood crime watch, your home is protected while you protect your neighbors. homes, too. It.s a double win: your community or cause benefits from your work and you benefit from your experiences. In a word, adding your effort to the work of others makes everyone.s lives better.


1. After you have helped others, you might回答

A. get guidance from someone else and maybe get a job.
B. feel that you.re not as fortunate as others.
C. feel that you are special.

2. What is the meaning of the word “initiative” in paragraph1? 回答

A. benefit
B. positive power
C. energy

3. Volunteering is a great way to get 回答

A. a lot of money to become rich.
B. work experience and learn new skills.
C. pride in daily life.

4. When we help others we internally(本质上)回答

A. help ourselves.
B. benefit from others.
C. get something different in life.

5. By volunteering, we can make回答

A. you protect your neighbors. homes.
B. the volunteer ambulance corps rushed you.
C. one.s life easier and happier.

[简答题,7.1分] 简述群体继代选育法建系的主要步骤。

[简答题,7.1分] 简述群体继代选育法建系的主要步骤。


协调城乡空间布局、改善人居环境是城乡规划法的( )。A、 直接目的B、 根本目的C、 主要目的D、

协调城乡空间布局、改善人居环境是城乡规划法的( )。A、 直接目的B、 根本目的C、 主要目的D、 终极价值目标


在建设工程项目的招投标活动中,某投标人以低于成本的报价竞标。则( ) 。A、 该行为目的是为了排挤其

在建设工程项目的招投标活动中,某投标人以低于成本的报价竞标。则( ) 。A、 该行为目的是为了排挤其他对手,应当禁止B、 没有违背诚实信用原则,不应禁止C、 是



