选择题:7单选(2分)You know how it is when we get together. Th

You know how it is when we get together. They talk about impossible dreams. “If I won the lottery (彩票), I would …”, “If I had plenty of money, I would …” But I never told anyone about my dream. I was afraid they would laugh if they knew. My aunt died and left everything to me. So I went around the world in search of the perfect woman that I really loved.

I first went to America, but I didn’t find I was looking for. The women I met were either too thin or too fat, too quiet or too noisy. So I started off for Spain. Most of the women I met were much too self-confident. Then I went to China. The women there were lovely, but much too shy, and I like taller women. Finally, I found myself back in my own country. I was sad.

Well, you can never guess what happened. In my own country, I found the woman I was looking for! Funnily enough, she lived near me, and I was surprised that I had not noticed her before. We met in the local shop. She dropped her bag. I picked it up and give it to her. I knew at that moment that she was the woman for me. But I wanted to be very careful. I didn’t want to say or do anything that might frighten her away. So I just made small talk as we walked back to the car park.

Back home, I planned to win her heart. After a few more meetings, I finally invited her to have dinner with me. She accepted. Everything went well during dinner and seemed to enjoy the food. Finally, I told her about my search.

“That’s amazing (令人惊奇的)!” she said. “I’ve just come into a lot of money, too, and I have decided to go round the world in search of the perfect man. I think I’ve found him.”


At the end of the story, the woman __________.


found the perfect man

decided to travel around the world to find the perfect man

refused the writer’s love

turned out not so perfect as the writer had thought


7单选(2分)Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battl

7单选(2分)Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape


习近平强调,()始终是党的生命线和根本工作路线。A、 农民路线B、 工人路线C、 群众路线D、 社会

习近平强调,()始终是党的生命线和根本工作路线。A、 农民路线B、 工人路线C、 群众路线D、 社会路线





计算机按照数据处理规模大小可以分为( )A.巨型计算机B.大型计算机C.小型计算机D.型计算机

计算机按照数据处理规模大小可以分为( )A.巨型计算机B.大型计算机C.小型计算机D.型计算机
