单选题:Reading- Choose the best answer to each question

  • 题目分类:初级
  • 题目类型:单选题
  • 查看权限:VIP
Reading- Choose the best answer to each question
European Farming
Farms across Europe are going out of business, farmland is being sold to developers and country villages are dying. These days, nobody wants to be a farmer. The younger generations of farming families move to the nearest city to study, and they don't come back to work on the farm. The reasons are simple. Farmers work longer hours than in most other professions and they earn a lot less. Farming is not a romantic occupation; it's hard work and, like any business, it has to make a profit to survive.
Most farming businesses are in a difficult financial situation. They take out loans from the banks to pay for expensive machinery, so they have large repayments. On the other hand, their income is not guaranteed. In agriculture, crops depend on the weather. If there is too much rain or too much sun, or if it rains at the wrong time, a farmer can lose a significant proportion of his crop.
The article suggests that nobody wants be a farmer because A.there are many bankrupt farms in Europe.
B.country villages die when young people go away to study.
C.farming is a lot of work for little money.


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某施工单位安全生产设施不符合国家规定,造成3人死亡多人重伤,应认定为( )。

某施工单位安全生产设施不符合国家规定,造成3人死亡多人重伤,应认定为( )。 A.工程重大安全事故罪 B.重大劳动安全事故罪 C.重大责任事故罪 D.重大伤亡事


在工地驾车作业时违反操作规程,不慎将一名施工工人轧死,这种行为应当属于( )。’

在工地驾车作业时违反操作规程,不慎将一名施工工人轧死,这种行为应当属于( )。’ A.意外事件 B.交通事故 C.重大责任事故罪 D.过失致人死亡
