选择题:You remember things every day, but how do you do i

You remember things every day, but how do you do it? You find a number in the phone book, dial it and the forget it. This is your short-term memory.

It lasts less than 30 seconds. However, you don’t look in the phone book for you best friend’s number. You know it. This is long-term memory. Your long-term memory has everything that you remember.

Why do you forget something? What is the reason? You didn’t learn it in the beginning. This is the major reason for forgetting. But you can remember better. Here are some ideas.

1) Move information from your short-memory to your long-term memory. Practice the information. Spend your time on it.

2) Be sure that you understand the information.

3) Do only one thing at a time. Study in a quiet place. You cannot listen to music and memorize at the same time.

4) Try to connect the new information with something you already know.

5) Divide the information into parts. Do not have more than seven parts. Learn one part and stop a few minutes. Don’t try to learn all the parts at the same time.

6) Make a picture in your mind. For example, when you learn the word SOFA, make a picture in your mind of this furniture. Remember what it looks like.

7) Try to relax when you study. Enjoy it.

Question 19. To make sure that your long-term memory keeps what you remember, you need _______.




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