选择题:Part one 根据首字母填单词。1.She.s going to say her final f

Part one 根据首字母填单词。
1.She.s going to say her final f_______ to you not through me but, inevitably, ever so coolly, through the genius of the Bay City Rollers.
2. I just thought I.d ask bluntly in c_______ it was the right question and you needed someone to talk to about it.
3. Sarah, s_______ off your phone and tell me exactly how long it is that you.ve been working here.
4. I f_______ this is going to be a difficult one to play.
5. I.m not gonna act like a p______ child.

.行政管理实践选择了( B ),这样可以调动行政管理组织及其工作人员的积极性与创造性,使其在享有权力

.行政管理实践选择了( B ),这样可以调动行政管理组织及其工作人员的积极性与创造性,使其在享有权力的同时有承担相当的责任。(P187)A.无限责任制


行政纪律公共性的集中体现是( D )。

行政纪律公共性的集中体现是( D )。A.对全社会成员普遍适用B.适用于一切公共事务C.既适用于行政人员公务活动又适用于其私人身份活动D.使用于行政人员公务活动


函数z=2x+y在点(,1,2)沿各方向的方向导数的最大值为( )(A)3 (B)0 (C)√5

函数z=2x+y在点(,1,2)沿各方向的方向导数的最大值为( )(A)3 (B)0 (C)√5 (D)2A:AB:BC:CD:D
