单选题:Once-daily pill could simplify HIV treatment Myers Squibb an

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Once-daily pill could simplify HIV treatment Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences have combined many H.I.V.drugs into a single pill Sometimes the best medicine is more than one kind of medicine.Malaria,tuberculosis and H.I.V./AIDS,for example,are all treated wit____(1)of drugs.But that can mean a lot of pills to take.It would be___(2)if drug companies combined all the medicines into a single pill,taken just once a day.
Now,two companies say they have done that for people just____(3)treatment for H.I.V.,the virus that causes AIDS.Tile companies are Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences.They have_____(4)a single pill that combines three drugs currently on the market3.Bristol-Myers Squibb sells one of them______(5)the name of Sustiva4.Gilead combined the_____(6),Emtriva and Viread,into a single pill in two thousand four.
Combining drugs involves more than_______(7)issues.It also involves issues of competition______ (8)the drugs are made by different companies.The new once-daily pill is the result of______(9)is described as the first joint venture agreement of its kind in the treatment of H.I.V.
In“January the New England Journal of Medicine5 published a study of the new pill.Researchers compared its_____(10)to that of the widely used combination of Sustiva and Combivir.Combivir______(11)two drugs,AZT 7 and 3 TC8.The researchers say that after one year of treatment.The new pill suppressed H·I·vI levels in more patients and with______(12)side effects9.Gilead paid for the study.Professor Joel Gallant at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore,Maryland.led the research.He is a paid adviser to Gilead and Bristol-Meyers Squibb as well as the maker of Combivir,GlaxoSmithKline.
Glaxo Smith Kline reacted_______(13)the findings by saying that a single study is of limited value-It says the effectiveness of Combivir has been shown in each of more than fifty studies.
The price of the new once-daily pill has not been announced.But Gilead and Bristol-Myers Squibb say they will provide it at reduced cost to developing countries.They plan in the next few months to ask the United States Food and Drug Administration10 to_______(14)the new pill.
There are limits to who could take it because of the different drugs it contains.For example,______(15)women are told not to take Sustiva because of the risk of birth disorders11.Experts say more than forty million people around the world are living with H.I.V. A.conservation
D.D .considerations




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