单选题:根据下面资料,回答题 Who Benefits Most from Company Training? Accordin

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Who Benefits Most from Company Training?
According to recent research, the better educated and the higher up the socioeconomic(0)...C...you are, the more likely you are to be offered workplace training. And, incidentally, the more likely you are to then turn (19)......the offer, pleading family and personal commitments or (20)......of work. Less qualified staff, on the other hand, are offered fewer training opportunities, but are more eager to (21).....them up. In fact, people with few or no educational qualifications are three times more likely to accept training when it is offered.
In the majority of companies, more (22).....are allocated to management training than to other areas. Employers (23).....their better qualified staff as more important to the business, so they pay them accordingly and invest more in them in (24)......of training. This is (25).....by the fact that organizations are dependent on properly (26).....managers making the right decisions. But this (27).....may mean that companies are(28).....other parts of the workforce down.
The researchers found A.growing demand for training among the lower-skilled. Unfortunately this demand is not being (29)....by employers, even though there are strong indications that companies would benefit from doing so. They also discovered that, despite the substantial (30)....between the training provided for managers and that offered to other staff, there was still widespread endorsement of training.
For the purposes of the research, training was defined as any (31)....of planned instruction or tuition provided by an employer with the aim of helping employees do their work better. It therefore included A.wide variety of approaches. on-the-joB.and classroom training (32).....to be used equally by employers. But learning on the job, which involved observing A.certain procedure and then practising it, was easily the most popular method for all categories of employees. While many felt that learning from colleagues was best, very few(33).....the internet as an effective way to train.

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中学生观察力发展的特点是( )。A.目的更明确 B.持久性明显发展 C.精确性提高 D.概括性更强



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下列项目中,不属于过去服务成本的有( )。

下列项目中,不属于过去服务成本的有( )。A.以前假定的薪酬增长金额与实际发生金额之间的差额,对支付以前年度服务产生的福利义务的影响 B.企业对支付养老金



