单选题:Dialogue ThreeSpeaker A: What' s your plan for the summer ho

Dialogue Three
Speaker A: What' s your plan for the summer holiday?
Speaker B: I' 11 visit my cousin. ___8___
Speaker A: Is the farm big or small?
Speaker B : It' s not very big, but it' s really a nice one. I' d like to go there on summer holidays.
Speaker A: I' m sure you will enjoy staying there. What does he grow on the farm?
Speaker B:___ 9___
Speaker A: What are you going to do there?
Speaker B: I' 11 go there and help him pick fruit.
Speaker A: You' 11 pick fruit! It sounds fun.
Speaker B: It really does. And the fruits are very delicious. I enjoy them very much.
Speaker A: Are they sold here?
Speaker B: Of course. ___10 ___My cousin will send them to other countries some day, too.
第8题_______ A.He grows oranges, peaches and grapes.
B.Can you pick fruit?
C.He has a farm in the countryside.
D.And they are also sold in many cities in China.


描述记述类观察方法不包括(  )。

描述记述类观察方法不包括(  )。A.实况记录法 B.日记描述法 C.轶事记录法 D.时间取样法


期货公司在编制风险监管报表时,下列表述正确的是(  )。

期货公司在编制风险监管报表时,下列表述正确的是(  )。A.未足额追加的客户保证金应当按期货交易所规定的保证金标准计算 B.未足额追加的客户保证金应当按中国证监


《旧唐书王起传》说:“贡举猥滥,势门子弟,交相酬酢; 寒门俊造,十弃六七。及元稹李绅在翰林,深怒其事,故有覆试之科 。及

《旧唐书王起传》说:“贡举猥滥,势门子弟,交相酬酢; 寒门俊造,十弃六七。及元稹李绅在翰林,深怒其事,故有覆试之科 。及起考贡士,奏当司所选进士,据所考杂文,先


中国证监会及其派出机构认为期货公司的年度报告可能存在虚假记载情形的,可以要求其聘请中介服务机构进行专项审计。(  )

中国证监会及其派出机构认为期货公司的年度报告可能存在虚假记载情形的,可以要求其聘请中介服务机构进行专项审计。(  )


下列关于期货公司与客户关系的描述,正确的有(  )。

下列关于期货公司与客户关系的描述,正确的有(  )。A.除依法接受调查和检查外,期货公司应当为客户保密 B.期货公司应当建立、健全客户投诉处理制度 C.期货公司
